“Phraseology” Part 2- Propofol – “Milk of Amnesia”

Continued from: https://mjjjusticeproject.wordpress.com/2011/02/01/alcohol-and-jesus-juice/

Now, we will examine Propofol, its medical uses, drug protocols, potential for abuse and how this ties into MJ’s situation.  The media has put out several soundbites and half-truths in response to the case involvement with Dr. Murray.  So let’s look at this with logic and undeniable truths.

We’ve encountered articles indicating that medial professionals refer to Propofol as the “milk of amnesia” -named as such due to its appearance and “function” (to induce sedation used in surgical procedures). (http://www.piedmontfayetteed.org/Clinical%20Practice%20Advisory%20Emergency%20Department%20Procedural.PDF) The indications, standards and protocols are very clear in any Physician Desk Reference or medical “leaflet”.  When a person undergoes a surgery procedure, the drug is prescribed as a ONE TIME use in the doses needed to maintain sedation throughout the procedure and it is written as “doctor’s orders” for that time ONLY- it is not prescribed as other medications that anyone can get at a local pharmacy.  However, Propofol has been misused and abused by medical professionals to “powernap” (actually called pronapping) between working hours on staff breaks.  It is not likely that someone outside the medical profession would even think to ask for Propofol for the treatment of insomnia, depression or anxiety because it is not approved for insomnia treatment. (http://www.allvoices.com/contributed-news/3871392-doctors-speak-out-about-pronapping-addiction-to-propofoldivprivan-on-the-job-and-at-home, http://www.drugaddictiontreatment.com/types-of-addiction/prescription-drug-addiction/sedative-drug-propofol-abused-by-people-in-the-medical-profession/, http://www.farleycenter.com/resources/articles/2009-07-07/spotlight-diprivan-and-propofol-addiction)

As far as the addictive properties, the drug is listed not as an opoid, but rather a sedative-hypnotic. People who use it for insomnia think they “wake refreshed” when other articles indicate “powernapping” does not produce REM sleep to actually be refreshed. Any “euphoria” is due to the changes in consciousness and it only lasts seconds when someone wakes up from it.  The amnesia part may refer to the drug’s ability to make people “forget” temporarily when on it. The effects are not long-lasting.  It could not be used as a “recreational drug” because you would drop unconscious within seconds of administration whereas other “recreational drugs” don’t always render someone unconscious, unless in the case of overdose and the “euphoria” is extrememly short lived a opposed to other “recreational drugs”. (I am not making light of this.) The medication crosses the blood-brain barrier, as other medications do, however, its sedative effects occur within seconds and a standard dose lasts just minutes per dose.  Increased dose without monitoring can most certainly lead to death since the drug suppresses necessary functioning to survive- that is why constant monitoring and life support is imperative when using it. The medication is adjusted in surgery to maintain sedation and quickly wears off when stopped, so you very quickly wake up when it wears out. Furthermore, addiction involves several complex behavioral components that are reinforced with thought processing and emotional value attachment.  Logically, anything can become addictive when the behaviors serve a rewarding purpose over any risks (such as gambling, which is not anything we put into our bodies). The possibility to Propofol use to become habit forming seems to rely more on behavioral attributes rather than chemical dependence. (http://www.drugaddictiontreatment.com/types-of-addiction/prescription-drug-addiction/sedative-drug-propofol-abused-by-people-in-the-medical-profession/)

“Paul Early, the director of Atlanta’s Talbott Recovery Campus (a place for medical personnel working through substance addictions) believes propofol abuse has increased because it may have fallen under the shadow of the rise in prescription drug addictions.” Really now? This makes not one bit of sense considering Propofol is not a typical prescription outside the surgery room, therefore, it is not like you can get a script for it like a benzodiazapine or antibiotic. (http://www.drugaddictiontreatment.com/types-of-addiction/prescription-drug-addiction/sedative-drug-propofol-abused-by-people-in-the-medical-profession/)

Having all been said, how could Propofol be identified as a “prescription drug addiction”, akin to benzodiazapines, narcotics, or opoids etc? The media and medical professions want you to believe in the “possibility” that Propofol is a “prescription drug addiction” that any human can abuse or misuse, but it is a possibility that in all logic should not exist because of its limited availability and intended use by protocol (not as a regular script in pharmacies, used only for surgeries, and medical personnel are the only ones with access).  The drug simply could not be a “prescription drug” abused or misused in the general population.   The individuals at high risk are therefore mainly medical professionals.  Based on these facts, to call Propofol a “prescription drug” abuse problem in the general population by the media and/or medical pros is simply not logical.

It is stated in this article (http://www.everythingaddiction.com/drugs-addiction/prescription-drug-addiction/propofol-abuse-among-doctors-and-nurses/) that individuals in clinical settings are randomly tested for abuse, but considering its rapid metabolism in the body, how is random testing a reliable solution? (http://hometestingblog.testcountry.com/?p=4331#ixzz1CJuJt5bZ) Their solution to Propofol abuse/addiction is to test individuals rather than to regulate its use as a controlled substance. Considering how dangerous it is to use Propofol outside a clinical setting, why would anyone take the chance and only TEST someone when they know testing can be unreliable considering the nature of Propofol metabolism and since Propofol misuse can most certainly result in death? Propofol should have been regulated in the medical profession at the first knowledge that medical personnel were misusing it to “pronap”. Misuse of Propofol was reported as early as 2002, but only has become more well known due to MJ’s case with Murray and who is to say that this is not a means to get it regulated?  The medical field as a whole was responsible long before 2009.

We’re pretty sure there will be much media mud slinging at MJ in any case.  With these articles in mind, one has little doubt where the idea to use propofol to sleep originated.  In the preliminary hearings, Dr. Murray said that MJ referred to it as “his milk” but the only medical professionals have called it “Milk of Amnesia”. It is other people saying without proof that MJ asked for Propofol to be used for his insomnia. As indicated on MJ’s autopsy report, he had a prescription for insomnia, but the medication was not Propofol, it was Temazapam, a drug specifically used to treat insomnia.  Briefly writing about “addiction” in MJ’s life, he already told us that he had a prescription drug dependency back in the 1990’s, which he subsequently rose above it.  The list of medications in MJ’s system were drugs that Dr. Murray had administered- who is to say MJ asked for all of that?  Only Dr. Murray.  MJ had scripts for which he had not used; there were may left in the bottles and for scripts that were given to him many months before, meaning, he had not finished his script nor had he refilled them since.  This hardly describes the behavior of someone who was addicted to prescription medications.  Seven wrote an amazing article about MJ and his prescription use here: http://www.mj-777.com/?p=7151 (under the section about drugs and alcohol) here: http://www.mj-777.com/ and here: http://www.mj-777.com/?p=7251 . (three separate amazing articles).  Several others have taken time to research the truth, please read any site that vindicates MJ listed in our side bar.

The media would rather have you believe in all the sensationalism they spew- they care not whether it is true or not.  The media had made several “sound bites” that MJ is not a responsible human being with any part of his life.  In reality, it is far from the truth.  Evaluation of MJ’s behavior and HIS OWN words are indication of his honorable level of responsibility for his life.  In subsequent articles, we will outline these circumstances.

Its time that the truth is told.

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5 Responses to “Phraseology” Part 2- Propofol – “Milk of Amnesia”

  1. Pingback: Tweets that mention “Phraseology” Part 2- Propofol – “Milk of Amnesia” | mjjjusticeproject -- Topsy.com

  2. Panther says:

    i knew tha MJ would never ask for propofol. thanks for this article. i said so many but nobody heard me. i hope. no. I WISH you to be heard!


  3. You would be shocked to know that people who have had propofol for surgery do ask for it sometimes afterwards–lay people. I actually had a woman call a Walgreens asking for it and argue that we had it (of course, we did not). Thing is, most doctors, when they hear this, they take it as a joke and leave it at that–and everything ends up okay. When I think of Cherilyn Lee stating that Michael told her a doctor had told her this medication was safe for sleep so long he was monitored, I cannot help but wonder if it were not Conrad Murray. I do not think Michael came up with this propofol idea himself nor do I think he would have ever gone to the extreme as to get it himself and try to self-infuse (obviously not, he expected to be monitored). What I cannot help but wonder is if he either said it as general statement, something about this medicine that he *thought* made him sleep and then a doctor (likely Murray) took off with this notion and sold it to him or a doctor came up with this BS himself and decided to try it on poor Michael who simply wanted to sleep. Most medications available for insomnia have dependency issues, hang-over issues and dangerous side effects (ex. sleep-driving). There are really no “miracle” treatments for insomnia and most doctors pass it off as the patient not having sound sleeping habits.

    I agree completely about propofol abuse not being an “epidemic”. One study I read said that the number of anesthesiologists (or maybe they were residents) who abused propofol was roughly equal to the number who would commit suicide–and that is relatively low, certainly lower than the abuse of other drugs. There is also, sadly, a higher rate of drug abuse among medical professionals–some abusers actually go into the profession to “score”. Though it seems the media would love to make a fad of “addiction” the reality is there are people who do suffer from addiction but there are many, many more people who take addictive medications for legit reasons so they can go about their daily lives comfortably. Just because someone takes a benzodiazepine, or someone takes pain medications, does not mean they are an addict or using the drugs for recreational purposes. Most people do not even feel “euphoria” off drugs. I think it is very sad that because of shows like “Celebrity Rehab”, people who may take medications for legit reasons are getting dumped into supposedly being addicts. America really needs to be educated.


  4. currell says:

    Not for a moment do I believe that MDs who want power naps are the only people using Propofol for sleep and insomnia. More people, including high ranking people, will be disclosed in the future.


  5. rick says:

    Propofol is a sedative-hypnotic with amnestic properties; it has limited utility in knocking people out for surgery and seems to lack the nausea and vomiting associted with other IV sedative hypnotics. Abuse of this drug among anesthesia providers seems common; I guess that some prople are so anxious to alter their state of mind that they will use anything. Using propofol recreationally reminds me of a sad ER patient who was begging for “anything” for sleep/anxiety…..she eventually got Haloperidol and shut up; I wouldn’t want that treatment (or propofol) for myself). after listening to my collegues extoll the virtues of propofol for procedural sedation, I agreed to try it for my next yearly colonoscopy/EGD. I guess that it worked, it’s expensive (if you have to pay for it) and there is nothing pleasurable about this drug at all. Just a veil of blackness, sudden unconsciousness and you wake up stunned with creepy procedural amnesia similar to an IV benzo. The drug is supposed to wear off quickly, but your keepers insist on a ride home….which makes no sense given that the propofol that you were given is totally gone 15 minutes (actually much faster) after they stop administering it. “feeling great” after propofol? hardly. It worries me that some of my co-workers abuse propofol; it’s dangerous. One crna who admits to frequent propofol binges thinks that it’s safe; but then she used to abuse fentanyl injection by taking it rectally. no kidding.


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