Behind the Mask:What Michael Jackson’s Body Language told the World, Transcription-CJB Part 8

Michael Jackson & Lisa Marie Exclusive Interview

CJB:  Hello and welcome to another video tutorial on Understanding Body Language: Liars, Cheats and Happy Feet. I hope you’re having a good day. I did a body language analysis on the Magician this morning “Dynamo” umm it was pretty good and now I’ve got for you two very, well a very interesting couple which is Michael Jackson and Lisa Marie Presley.  Now I’m pretty sure if you’re a Michael Jackson fan that you know all about this marriage. They were only married for about two years, however last year Lisa Marie Presley said that four years after they got divorced she was trying to get back with Michael, whether that’s true I don’t know but all I can see is what’s In front of me. So I’m going to read this analysis by Diane Sawyer and we can see if we can see any non verbal’s leaking out, any lies, any honesty and things like that so let’s start the video at the beginning and let’s see if we can spot anything untoward.

Diane Sawyer:  What was the countdown on your marriage? Tell me who said the word “marriage” first?

Michael Jackson:  I did. (raises his hand)

DS:  When? Where?

Lisa Marie Presley:  On the telephone

MJ:  Oh yeah on the telephone.

Time: 01:17   CJB:  OK the first thing I notice here in a minute is when Lisa Marie Presley starts to talk she flashes Michael disgust.  I can’t believe it, you just have to watch this and then Michael does the same thing and it happens so fast that you will have missed it while watching this so let me just… let me play on and rewind and I’ll show you the disgust on both sides and Michael shows massive concealed anger micro expression as well. (Plays video)

LMP:  Four months… right?  (Looks at Michael) four months?

MJ:  I don’t remember.

LMP:  Well anyway we were spending a lot of time together and I don’t know how it didn’t manage to get into the press because we weren’t hiding it.

Time: 01:47   CJB: Okay can we watch that again? Let’s just slow it right down so we can see (rewinds video)

LMP:  So we were dating now four months… right?

Time: 01:58   CJB:  There now we’ve got disgust there.  Okay look at that the forming of the brows down (Points to LMP’s eyebrows), the eye glare and the parsing and the widening of the lips.  Massive disgust and now watch Michael’s reaction with his lips and his eye glare. (Continues video)

LMP: … four months?

MJ:  I don’t remember.

LMP:  anyway we were spending a lot of time together and I don’t know how it didn’t

Time: 02:15   CJB:  Michael. Let’s watch it again. That’s Michael; I’ve paused on Michael’s micro expression.  So let’s look and rewind and let’s look at Diane, or Lisa I beg your pardon. (Rewinds video)

LMP:  Right?  Four Months?

MJ:  I don’t remember.

LMP:  Well anyway we were spending a lot of time together and I don’t know how it didn’t manage to get into the press because we weren’t hiding it.

Time:  02:30   CJB:  You see that lip movement there?  So Michael is showing again, classic anger and disgust so there is obviously something amiss there with that one so let’s just keep watching this so they are luring each other but not in a good way here.  So let’s see what we can get. (Continues video)

MJ:  We were everywhere.

LMP:  Everywhere!  Bookstores; we were not hiding it.

DS:  And you said yes right away?

LMP:  I was separated for four months and he said well what would you do if I asked you to marry me? and I said I would. But…

Time:  03:01   CJB:  So again, for some reason Lisa Marie Presley keeps flashing these negative micro expressions and another one there you see. She’s got the, almost like the contempt like giving Michael a partial glancing look to her left. She doesn’t exactly throw me a confidence of a loving couple. Let’s keep watching, let’s see if we can spot anything else.

MJ:  But a big “I would”. You were really enthusiastic (laughs) (pauses video)

Time:  03:33   CJB:  So the head and eyes go back there. That’s an interesting bit of non-verbal little tell. (Rewinds video)

LMP:  what would you do if I asked you to marry me? And I said I would. But…

MJ:  But a big “I would”.  You were really enthusiastic (laughs) (Pauses video)

Time:  03:45   CJB:  So Michael says you were really enthusiastic and she drops her head back and lifts her eyes up so think about when you take your eyes back up.  Is it relief?  Or is it contempt? (Rewinds video)

LMP: what would you do if I asked you to marry me? And I said I would. But…

MJ:  But a big “I would”. You were really enthusiastic (laughs) (Pauses video)

Time:  04:06   CJB:  So we’re already one minute into this video on Michael Jackson and Lisa Marie Presley’s verbal’s around Michael Jackson here does not throw me with confidence. Michael reaches out here to make a light hearted display which she doesn’t mirror. Look at that (rewinds video) Michael reaches out there and Lisa does not even respond to use of Michael’s tactilics there, the touching especially around the sensitive area like the upper thigh near where Lisa Marie Presley’s hands are.  Head back, eyes back. Michael goes in with light heartedness and she doesn’t budge the slightest so, very interesting… poor Michael.  (Continues video)

DS: lawyers involved in a prenuptial agreement between these two fortunes is there one?

Time:  03:45   CJB:  So prenuptials.

MJ:  Well we’ve worked out things and signed certain things but of course that’s very confidential.

LMP:  We made agreements prior, yes.

DS:  As you know the reaction to this marriage

Time:  05:04   CJB:  So the key questions are coming up right now so stay tuned.

DS: strongly about it, but the reaction to this marriage has been across the spectrum, everything from astonishment to delight, to suspicion and that it was somehow too convenient.   Lisa, did you ask Michael about the charges?  Did the two of you talk about the impact of the marriage on allegations?

LMP:  Absolutely not.

Time:  05:32   CJB:  That’s honest!

LMP:  He called; I was in touch with him through the whole process of these charges going on. I was (pauses video)

Time:  05:37  CJB:  Okay right here, so let’s just fast forward this to some key questions.

DS:  You said to me that you were not afraid of any questions.

Time:  05:44   CJB:  Here we go!

DS:  I wanted that understood by everybody before we proceed.  I think I want to begin by making sure (pauses video)

Time:  05:54   CJB:  Now watch Michael’s anger micro expressions here because he’s getting grilled here by Diane Sawyer and I think the interview style that Diane is doing here isn’t very good and I think Michael knows this. (Continues video)

DS:  (continues) that the terms are clear.  You have said that you would never harm a child. I want to be as specific as I can. Did you ever, as this young boy said you did, did you ever sexually engage, fondle, have sexual contact with this child or any other child?

MJ:  Never ever.  I could never harm a child or anyone. It is not in my heart. It’s not who I am. It’s not what I’m interested… I’m not even interested in that.

DS:  And what do

Time:  06:38   CJB:  Okay. Look at that response there then. Now then I am as impartial as you could possibly be.  I have said this on previous videos; I don’t show favouritism to anybody.  If Michael Jackson was lying there and I’ve showed the characteristics of lying, I would point it out. I’m a big fan of Michael’s work so is my Mrs. But don’t believe just because I show favouritism about Michael’s music that I show favouritism about body language. That was a classic, honest response as I’ve ever seen one.  (Rewinds video)

DS:  Did you ever, as this young boy said you did, (focuses on Michael’s face while question is being asked)

Time:  07:13   CJB:  It’s emphatic, absolutely emphatic.

DS:  fondle, have sexual contact with this child or any other child?

MJ:  Never ever.  I could never harm a child or anyone. It is not in my heart. It’s not who I am. It’s not what I’m interested… I’m not even interested in that.


DS:  And what do you think should be done to someone who does that?

MJ:  Too someone who does that?  What I think should be done?  Gee, I think they need help (pauses video)

Time:  07:39   CJB:  See Michael has difficulty answering that question you see because obviously HE IS COMPLETELY INNOCENT and he’s never thought about somebody who would actually commit these kinds of things you see. If he was tremendously guilty he would have already played out a punishment in his mind but as he really has to think about this, that shows me he’s never really thought about the punishment for something like this because he never actually did anything wrong so that’s why Michael Really struggles with that question. (Rewinds video)

MJ: It’s not who I am. It’s not what I’m interested… I’m not even interested in that.

Time:  08:05   CJB:  Now, I get a lot of responses with eye movements and people looking up and right when they are saying deception. Michael here makes quite a few up and right eye movements but as Dr. Matsumoto says that oculesics and eye behaviour is not indicative of someone who lies. The old myth of people looking up and right during any kind of interrogation or showing visually constructive imagery is rubbish.  Michael here makes up and right (shows Michael doing this on video) eye movements but it is not indicative of lying so you can scrap that ridiculous theory out of the window. (Replays video)

DS:  (continues) this child or any other child?

MJ:  Never ever. (CJB points to Michael’s eyes “Open right, open right)  I could never harm a child or anyone. It is not in my heart. It’s not who I am. It’s not what I’m interested… I’m not even interested in that.

Time:  08:51   CJB:  So Michael’s eye movements ignore them. Right, so let’s just scoot forward to a real micro expression that Lisa Marie Presley makes right here. We need to look at this one.  (Fast forwards video)

MJ:  Anyone can come to my bed; a child could come to my bed.

Time:  09:09   CJB:  He’s talking about the police investigation.

LMP:  I’ve seen it a lot. I’ve seen kids. I’ve seen him with children in the last year. I’ve seen it enough to see how that could happen and you know, I understand.

DS:  (Interrupts) But isn’t part of a being an adult, you have a two year old child…

Time:  09:23   CJB:  So Michael makes a spontaneous correction because actually Lisa hadn’t finished talking there and Diane Sawyer interrupted her.  Let’s watch that again. So obviously it’s coming from somebody else, somebody quite close to Michael who can illustrate the point better than Michael can, so again it’s another person’s point of view so I think it’s a really bad interview skill that Diane gives off there when she purposely interrupts Diane to get to the juicy bits, I mean Lisa Marie.  I think it’s a terrible interviewing style.  (Replays video)

LMP:  see how that could happen and you know, I understand.

DS:  (Interrupts) But isn’t part of a being an adult, you have a two year old child…

MJ:  Don’t you want to finish (looking at Lisa Marie)

LMP:  Yes, let me just finish, I just wanted to say I’ve seen these children, they don’t let him go to the bathroom without running in there with him and they won’t let him out of their sight and when he jumps in the bed, I’m even out you know they jump in the bed with him.

DS:  But isn’t part of being an adult (pauses video)

Time:  10:13   CJB:  Look at that micro-expression there. That’s more of a macro expression.  Watch that back and see what you can spot there. Massive. (Rewinds video)

LMP:  I’ve seen it a lot. I’ve seen kids. I’ve seen him with children in the last year. I’ve seen it enough to see how that could happen and you know, I understand.

DS:  (Interrupts) But isn’t part of a being an adult, you have a two year old child…

Time:  10:31   CJB:  So let’s watch, let me pause it.

MJ:  Don’t you want to finish? (looking at Lisa Marie)

LMP:  Yes, let me just finish, I just wanted to say I’ve seen these children; they don’t let him go to the bathroom without running in there with him

Time:  10:39   CJB:  This is honest.

LMP (continues) and they won’t let him out of their sight and when he jumps in the bed, I’m even out you know they jump in the bed with him.

Time:  10:49   CJB:  Look at that expression there.  That verbally, I believe the full expression is “if you interrupt me again, I’m going to commit blood murder” because that there (pointing to Lisa’s lips) is massive contempt, one sided and it’s because if you’re listening closely Diane Sawyer is just about to interrupt Lisa Marie Presley for about the fifth time.  (Rewinds video)

LMP:   I just wanted to say I’ve seen these children, they don’t let him go to the bathroom without running in there with him and they won’t let him out of their sight and when he jumps in the bed, I’m even out you know

Time:  11:21   CJB:  (points to Diane Sawyer as she begins to speak) Interrupt. 

LMP:  they jump in the bed with him.

DS:  But isn’t part of being an adult (pauses video)

Time:  11:26   CJB:  (points to Lisa Marie Presley’s face) Anger. Massive Anger.  (Continues video)

DS:  In these situations, again we are talking over an intense period of time. (Pauses video)

Time:  11:36   CJB:  And look at that. Look at Lisa Marie Presley’s head position now.  Now when do we see that? (Points to LMP’s head) We see that during an aggressive cluster of anger. Dogs do that particular gesture when they are really angry.  They bring their head down so their eyes can glare.  So we’ve obviously seen the facial expression from Lisa Marie, which verbally says “shut the hell up, stop interrupting me” and now she’s taking on even more aggressive cluster by dropping the head down so the eyes can really glare on Diane Sawyer but she’s sat in a really confrontational position because if you look at the set up, it’s almost like a police interrogation, it’s like an interview situation. She’s (points to Diane Sawyer) the boss and these (points to Michael and Lisa Marie) are the candidates and that’s how she’s sat and that’s why it’s getting to her (points to LMP) as well.

DS:  Would you let your son, when he grows up and is twelve years old do that?

LMP:  You know what, if I didn’t know Michael (pauses video)

Time:  12:29   CJB:  “You know what” so there we go, so we’re starting off with an aggressive manner at the start of the conversation. So Lisa Marie here is really irate at the moment. (Rewinds video)

DS:  Would you let your son, when he grows up and is twelve years old do that?

LMP:  You know what, if I didn’t know Michael, no way, but I happen to know who he is and what he is and that makes it… I know that he’s not; I know that he’s not like that and I know that he has a thing for children and, go ahead. Sorry.

DS:  I just wonder, is it over? You’re going to make sure it doesn’t happen again? I think this is the really the key think that people want to know that there are not going to be more of these sleepovers in which people have to wonder?

MJ:  Nobody wonders when kids sleep over at my house.

DS:  But are they over? Are you going to watch out for it now?

MJ:  Watch out for what?

DS:  Just for the sake of the children.

Time:  12:29   CJB:  Look at Michael showing hallmarks of honesty.  Open palm gestures.  Specific gestures like that (CJB pinching his two fingers together), specific gestures.

MJ:  I would never ever … Do what again?

DS:  Have a child sleepover?

MJ:  Of course, if they want.  If it’s on a level of purity and love and just innocence, complete innocence.  If you’re talking about sex that’s a nut, that’s not me. Go to the guy down the street because it’s not Michael Jackson. It’s not what I’m interested in.

Time13:45   CJB:  I’ll end it right there because that the hallmark of complete honesty from Michael.  So there we go, that’s another video analysis done on Michael Jackson and again completely the hallmarks of honesty. The relationship he has here with Lisa Marie Presley, I’d like to say the same thing here again, and these two look massively distance. Even though Lisa Marie is helping Michael out with this interview, there seems to be no real connection there. Michael has made quite a few tactilic gestures toward Lisa Marie and she’s avoided them. We’ve seen disgust shown on both parts here and when she can’t remember she flashes Michael all kinds of these little gestures and so I don’t think they’re in sync and it’s obviously a testament because they got divorced two years after this was filmed.  So you can see already the cracks start to form and I’ve seen previous videos where Lisa Marie says that she loved Michael but I can’t see it on this video so there we go.  So my conclusion again, Michael Jackson completely innocent, completely honest during this video and you know I miss him and may he rest in peace. So that’s another video done on Understanding Body Language: Liars, Cheats and Happy Feet.  Any feedback leave a comment and anything else I will speak to you all soon, take care and bye bye for now.

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2 Responses to Behind the Mask:What Michael Jackson’s Body Language told the World, Transcription-CJB Part 8

  1. Ella says:

    Where is the part where he answers questions about the pictures and the other allegations?


  2. Phoebe says:

    I love your analysis – I know you posted this several years ago but I am just seeing this now. Do you do this for a living? I am a long time fan of MJ in the US!


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