LIE:Horror show vendetta of Michael Jackson’s son ‘Blanket’ revealed in terrifying cartoon

Screen Shot 2014-01-05 at 4.06.15 PMIvy from MJJCommunity researched this information in less that 10 minutes – Why can’t the tabloids do the same? Because they are LYING MACHINES-  They created and fabricated similar outrageous and false stories about Michael Jackson for decades and the public ate them up as truth.  Now, Michael Jackson’s children are under the same attack vitrolic attacks –  Please do not believe anything the Star, Mirror, or Radar Online prints as they do merely copy paste reporting and spread unfounded information for salacious affects

From Ivy_4mj

Here’s why Daily Star story about Blanket Jackson macabre online cartoon series story is WRONG..

After the tabloid story was published, I googled the “Kill them All” name and found IMDB page. The page listed creator as “Prince Michael II” – which probably started the confusion. IMDB page also listed “Prince A. Boakye” as the writer and ” Morphline Pictures” as the company behind it. (IMDB Link:

Next I searched for the production company Morphline Pictures and found their website which stated “Launched in December 2013 by brothers, Michael and Prince” which probably contributed to the confusion of the tabloids. (Link:

Then I did a free company check for the Morphline Pictures which showed company directors as “Michael Boakye” and “Prince Boakye”. (Link : , click company directors and board members tab).

So it turns out this online cartoon series are being done by two brothers named Prince and Michael but they AREN’T Prince and Blanket Jackson. It’s Michael and Prince Boakye.

Please note that the directors “Michael Boakye” and Prince Boakye” have now tweeted that Blanket Jackson has nothing do with the series.  Also note that use the pseudonym “Prinse Michael II”

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Here is the link to make a complaint … then click on Daily Star.



 from Kill Them All Show
  Monday, 06 January 2014

“Prince Michael aka Blanket Jackson II has and has never had any connections with the KTAshow”

         We, Morphline Pictures want to categorically state and deny the rumour spread by the Daily mail and other tabloids that Prince Michael Jackson II (“PMJ II”) has had or continues to have any connection with our show. PMJ II is an innocent 11 year old whom these tabloids are smearing with this false rumour.

         “Kill Them All” is an animated series produced by Morphline Pictures and written by brothers “Prince” and “Michael” who used to work under the pseudonym “Prince Michael II” which is not connected to and has never been connected to PMJ II. 

         We, Morphline Pictures would like to take this opportunity to apologise to the Jackson Family especially Prince Michael for any harm this may have caused.
   Morphline Pictures

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18 Responses to LIE:Horror show vendetta of Michael Jackson’s son ‘Blanket’ revealed in terrifying cartoon

  1. bscot58 says:

    The trailer for the series from Morphline Pictures is on You tube. Comment from the brothers is in the comment sections denying Blanket’s or the Jackson’s involvement. They also have a facebook and twitter account.


  2. Pingback: Sloppy, Lying Tabloid Media-AGAIN | MJ Truth Now

  3. Longshaw says:

    The best way to deal with this one guys is by contacting the Press Complaints Commission.


  4. Eddith says:

    Ne dit-on pas: “on peut arrêter l’eau, éteindre le feu mais jamais stopper une rumeur quand elle est lancée elle grossi d’heure en heure
    Toute sa vie Michael en a souffert et après sa famille ses enfants en sont les victimes
    Le revers de la médaille ou la rançon de la gloire …
    Ses enfants devrons être forts pour supporter tout cela
    Ce n’est pas facile d’être l’enfant de Michael Jackson


    • We believe that Michael’s children should NOT have to suffer the same trials of lies and false inquisitions and misstatements about their health mental or otherwise – Already the source of the outrageous story, The Daily Star has removed their fabrication and also RadarOnline – If we stand and demand change .. change will come.


  5. yanni says:

    You do know that “THESE BROTHERS” knew exactly what they were doing using only their first names (especially Prince). THERE IS NO WAY IN HELL THAT BY USING THESE NAMES WOULD ANYONE NOT THINK THEY ARE THE JACKSON CHILDREN AND THEY KNEW THAT! Once again another generation that is willing to use the names of Michael and/or any of his children to benefit themselves. This was their way to get instant attention and they knew people would click onto their website thinking it is Prince and Blanket Jackson!! if they are so sorry then they need to totally change the name! I’ll bet they WON’T!!!!!!


  6. We will change our name.
    Morphline Pictures.


  7. Yes I find it crazy they would use those same names and not expect some confusion. They definitely need to change them to something very different. yanni is probably right.


  8. Lorrie says:

    Ivy from MJJCommunity researched this information in less that 10 minutes
    10 minutes to find the truth…what a concept!
    See this tabloid papers and so called journalist’s… take a lesson from Ivy when gathering your information and maybe the pain that you caused Michael to endure his entire life will be something that his children won’t have to experience!
    Just take a little time to find the truth and the results will amaze you!


  9. Waheeeda Bee says:

    Please stop bullying those innocent kidz of MJ, respect their privacy, they r human beings they cut n bleed like any of us.
    The tabloids junkies killed MJ now let his kidz njoy Freedom.


  10. Waheeeda Bee says:

    Thank you Ivy for clearing things, God bless.


  11. Eddith says:

    Bonsoir, juste une question qui n’a rien à voir avec le sujet mais qui me tracasse
    Nous écrivons nos messages en français et ils sont réecrits en ??? je ne trouve pas le mot Pourquoi ?
    Sont-ils enregistrés en anglais puis traduits en français ?
    Merci de me répondre


  12. All of your comments have been posted here in French as you have submitted. Since we are not French speakers we use Google translator to understnd your comment/question amd then we respond in English – We realize that Google translate may translate erroneously but it is the only avenue available to utilize. We hope that answers your question. Much love to the French Michael Jackson fans.


  13. Eddith says:

    Merci pour la réponse, ne parlant pas anglais je continuerai à vous écrire en français en essayant d’être la plus claire possible
    Bonne journée


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