The Importance of Michael Jackson’s Xscape

earnest face“Music has been my outlet, my gift to all the lovers in this world. Through it – my music, I know I will live forever.” ~ Michael Jackson

This statement by Michael Jackson should resonate through the spirit of each individual within his immense world-wide fanbase. This “gift to all the lovers in this world” the one reason why MJEstate keeps Michael Jackson relevant with the new generation of music listeners.

With the overwhelming positive media feedback from Xscape and it’s #1 status World-wide the “Number Ones” album has moved signifcantly up the charts as well as “The Essential Michael Jackson” album.

We feel there is no better way for first time or new generation of listeners to gain a introduction to Michael than buying these two albums. This ultimately proves the strategy of distributing his “best you’ve never heard” music to the world was indeed an intelligent marketing for his music, legacy and ultimately his justice.

When the door opens for Michael’s music and message to be heard and spread through younger generations then his mission and principles that he applied to his life are also gleaned and is a great segue to discussion regarding the justice he so richly deserves.

The old guard of the tabloid media is losing ground in the Social Media environment where we interact on a global scale. No longer are they in control of information that they can manipulate and force feed to a gullible public. The new generation of fans are computer savvy and doesn’t rely on Fox News, Dimond, Orth or any other tabloid journalist for it’s opinionated take and skewing of information when research is only a click away.

University studies have begun and it’s only a matter of time before all of the mischaracterizations of this noble man will be known. Please be sure to read Professor Mark Anthony Neals views on Xscape.  on how Michael Jackson’s essence resonates within it.

Michael wanted his music, mission and message of love, compassion, empathy and universal brotherhood spread and who better to do this than the new generation of people who will glean his principles that guided his life, without having been influenced by the bias unsubstantiated salacious tales. They can break free from the past mischaracterizations of Michael Jackson and spread his truth as it is being told through released FBI files, court transcripts and other legal documents, CPS files etc, and these are being released for public perusal.

These documents are archived by MJAdvocates writing blogs and holding forums and chatrooms of discussions on how to combat or not, the few trolls that remain, as they a dying breed -and we mean that literally & figuratively. We also are getting older and new blood of MJAdvocacy and activists for MJTruth must be brought into the fold –

There was a need for Michael’s Xscape –

“When you want to be close to me listen to the music”-

We are listening Michael… we are listening.

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13 Responses to The Importance of Michael Jackson’s Xscape

  1. Kathy says:

    We are listening. I was around when the rats of media destroyed Michael, I have a son now who loves Michaels music, he’s from that computer savvy generation he has never herd of or seems smut magazine Andi thank god for that, he only knows Michael as a great musician, dancer and a great man.


  2. Gloria says:

    Thank you for this uplifting article and insights about Michael. I am seeing more and more acknowledgment of Michael in music fields, academic areas, school children dancing to his music, those people that always have, and and those just now finding him. Also those who study his financial expertise!
    It seems Michael led two lives: the one the media claimed and the one Michael actually lived.
    Thank you for keeping us posted with your intelligent writing and locating these great articles on Michael.
    Warm regards, Gloria


    • Zack O’Malley Greenburg is soon publishing a book regarding Michael’s business acumen and it will truly be an eye opener for many. Stanford University is conducting a conference where they are discussing the technology used in the Illusion of Michael Jackson performing at Billboard Music Award. There will be continued discussion about Michael Jackson for years to come and hopefully a Change will drive that discussion ..


      • Gloria says:

        Yes, thank you for reminding me of Zack O’Malley Greenburg’s book. I pre-ordered it and with Michael’s new ablum just released these last two weeks, I had forgotten about the book. I am looking forward to reading the book. I am loving all of these good, positive actions revolving around Michael now. It causes me to smile and smile!

        On All Things Michael there is a picture with a caption “You Just Can’t Stop the King of Pop!” would love to have a poster of that ( even though I am not a poster person).


  3. mjrocksmyworld8291958 says:

    I think the release of Xscape and the escape that it offers to the many people who will hear it is so very important on every level in continuing to share and show the world the magnificent talents of Michael Jackson and yes Michael, we are listening!


  4. jadz28958 says:

    Just reading this book after “REMEMBER THE TIME!” about a 3rd way in and all I can say is Michael has a good buisness head!


  5. Doris Sousa says:

    I just finished Reading “Remember The Times ” Absolutely Loved the Book ,I would recomend this book to all Fans ,Very well written ,As for the Xscape Album I purchased 6 ,and I am not rich , I am on SS but to me This is a Special Album , Which needed to be made gave 2 albums and a Dvd to an Orphanage near by The Children there love Michael .


    • Thank you so much for buying the extra items and sharing them with the children at the orphanage – This is exactly the sort of beautiful gesture that would make Michael smile .. May God bless you Doris with good health and prosperty – ❤


  6. Nazeer says:

    I love Michael Jackson, I’m the best of his fans his love will remain with me until my last breath.He has such a charming smiles and prosperous manner.Please Justice For MJ.


  7. The MJ Xscape album serves as a vehicle to understand Michael Jackson, similar to what the two Circe du Soleil shows do. MJ IMMORTAL World Tour and MJOne shows have introduced Michael to people who might not have realized the depth of this man’s creativity, artistic value or historic relevance. My hubby was one such person. He always favored the song Billie Jean but had no real inkling about Michael as a man, his principles, his life’s work of philanthropy, or his message until he went with me to see MJOne in Las Vegas. He came out with a better grasp of who and what Michsel Jackson stood for and what he represents to Millions of people all over this world. This is why we are in total support of the MJEstate’s ability to create this avenue of discovery by using the creative genuis of Michael- It is for the masses to learn while being entertained. It’s a wonderful concept that Michael employed himself – He entertained but also taught and preached the Good Word… through his music and art. It is one of the ways Michael’s truth will finally be told- and distributed on a wide scale. -Buds


  8. Abby says:

    I miss Michael, So much! But I’m extremely thankful that I have the books and music and of course his short films. It warms my heart so much to see so many people still standing behind Michael and not believing the lies.


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