8/29/2012 Michael Jackson’s Birthday at Forest Lawn

This morning, someone asked me while we stood in front of Holly Terrace if I could describe my emotions.  I told her, “This is the day the world was blessed with the birth of an extraordinary human being and it’s a day to celebrate his life and be happy that we lived at the time of Michael Jackson. No one will ever come our way like him again, ever.”

She still needed a hug and I obliged her but my heart was not heavy today, as it was filled with too much admiration of this man I call my brother.  I had planned to meditate, pray and just soak in positive energy.  I merely stayed back and mostly observed silently the other fans milling about and listening to their conversations. Each one had their own way of paying respects to our beloved brother and I was pleased to hear them speak in different languages and find his Global family was there from all over the world.  France, Germany, China, Vietnam, Italy were represented and maybe other nationalities that I did not pick up on. The air was filled with love and was quite peaceful; someone had MJ tunes playing.  Security would continously drive by to make sure the crowd wasn’t getting too rowdy, but that is a necessary presence when we deal with a personality as large as Michael Jackson’s.

Wanted to share some highlights of the morning –

A fan displayed a Full page Ad in the Los Angeles Daily News that allowed his Global family to send him love in a special way ….

French & Russian Fans Flowers Displayed on Lower Courtyard.

Flowers from Polish fans:

Flowers with personal notes:

Special .. M J Cake – Appropriately Marble

 it’s black, it’s white….Cause we’re all the same.


Special note from a young Australian fan:


Army servicemen came to give respect and sing some MJ tunes:

In my mind, Today was all about Michael and I was happy just to wallow in the specialness of this human being that graced our world. …  and share this morning with people who have connected with him in their own special way.

And while the building below is supposed to be his final resting place I imagine him singing  – “Get me out into the nightime, four walls won’t hold me tonight….” 

Michael Jackson is much loved throughout the world and for generations to come he will continue to be loved. The sincerity of his heart apparent and as a spiritually conscience man he will continue to be an attractive and alluring figure.

 Special thanks to a couple of really beautiful women<- you know who you are. 🙂


NOTICE:  If you’d like to order a reprint of LA Daily News w/LOVE for MJ from his Global fanbase you can contact them  http://www.dailynews.com/contactus

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12 Responses to 8/29/2012 Michael Jackson’s Birthday at Forest Lawn

  1. Susan says:

    Thank you for sharing your beautiful memories of the day, and for the pictures. As one who has never been, I truly appreciate them.


  2. nannorris says:

    Thank you for putting this up…Gives me a wonderful feeling to see such an outpouring of respect and love for Michael.
    I, also, feel blessed to have lived in the same time period as MJ, and more important , to be able to have gotten his message in my own lifetime is a great gift from him..


  3. elke hassell says:



  4. yours4ever says:

    You captured the day beautifully, all the love that was there for Michael. You only forgot to mention one thing – how HOT it was! 🙂


  5. Thanks for sharing your beautiful day with us<3


  6. I was planning on being there but felt fatigue and could not make it so appreciate seeing your words and photos! Thank you!


  7. Thank you all so much for sharing this beautiful representation of love on behalf of all MJ fans around the world. I love and Miss you so much Michael


  8. The void that Michael left can never be filled by anyone else. He was God’s gift to mankind and now he rests once again in God’s arms. Thank you Buds for writing this and sharing it with us.


  9. Shane says:

    Michael Jackson Best in the WORLD!
    M.J say : There Are People Dying
    If You Care Enough
    For The Living
    Make A Better Place
    For You And For Me

    You And For Me .
    WE ARE THE World!

    Michael Jackson You Forever King OF Pop , You Never DIE , You are not ALONE !


  10. michael we miss you so much . some days i wonder how this world can go on without you. you are love and peace and harmony the world has lost such a loving soul. rest in peace till the day Jesus will say come on out.


  11. Forever loved and missed, Michael, you will always be in my heart.


  12. christine hennessy says:

    Love you Michael Jackson Christine hennseey


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