Stonegrooved on YT

More than likely if you are a Michael Jackson supporter you have run across the major MJ hater named stonegrooved at least once on YouTube. We thought it might be beneficial for the public to see an example of how this ‘stonegrooved’ person writes on the YouTube comments  pages. He can be found on various Michael Jackson videos and he basically states unsupported opinions and beliefs in an effort to stir up the MJ fans that go there to enjoy Michael’s music.  His intention is clear and is to upset as many MJ fan’s as he possible can on any given day.  First, please make note of how stonegrooved rarely stays on topic and his answers sometime do not relate to anything that was said to him. Secondly, he immediately switches gears when a MJ fact blows his opinion out of the water. Third, how personal he takes these exchanges as at one point he exclaims ‘no matter what the cost, to me!!” and yet he is the one who calls names and curses the MJ supporters.  This is purely for educational purposes so that if you come in contact with this person you will be forewarned as to what to expect. We are not sure if he is as delusional as he seems or he is just cleverly yanking the emotional chains of MJ supporters to get his jollies. He has been at this for two years maybe longer, so he can’t have much else in his life that brings him any satisfaction.

MJJJusticeproject comments are in blue.

Other MJ supporters who speak directly to him are in orange.

These comments were copied directly from the comment page on one of the haters Youtube accounts, so you must start at the BOTTOM and read up.


I swear, how someone as softspoken and gentle as MJ managed to spawn some of the biggest, militant hardasses on the face of this earth is beyond me.

 stonegrooved 18 hours ago

“Jesus juice” is a law enforcement term .. A typical pedophile has over 200 victims because it a sickness that they cannot control. MJ had thousands of children coming in and out of Neverland if he indeed was a pedophile there would have been many more victims readily available to testify. Unfortunately, even the Enquirer couldn’t BUY victims for Sneddon. 400 witnesses ….and no victims. 

MJJJusticeProject 19 hours ago

@MJJJusticeProject – Hey, if you wanna try to make people think that you are the supreme guardian of the truth, who can stop you?
Just try form these words, “THIS IS ONLY MY OPINION.”

stonegrooved 19 hours ago

@MJJJusticeProject – If you can muster up the courage to admit that your opinion doesn’t need to be the gospel truth for the world to live by, you might try giving people credit for having enough intelligence to form their own.
Just a suggestion.

stonegrooved 19 hours ago And THAT, is my opinion.

stonegrooved 19 hours ago

I don’t even think MJ thought he was hurting any children. (What with his “Jesus Juice” and all.) I think in his delusional state, he thought he was making them feel reaaal good! That’s pretty characteristic for a pedophile. They think what they’re doing in normal and society just needs to learn to accept it.
It’s a shame that when he needed our help, too many people were too busy worshiping his image to help him.

stonegrooved 19 hours ago

We invite anyone to scroll back and read all of our comments. We have removed NONE. We have continued from day one to only appeal to people to research read and analyze. WE insisted that no one take our word but to READ the FBI files completely, READ the 93 phone transcript, READ the 2005 Complete trial transcript. These little lectures of peace and harmony should indeed be heeded by everyone especially the one who’s espousing them. 

MJJJusticeProject 20 hours ago

@MJJJusticeProject – I encourage others to read MJ’s words of love as well. If it inspires you to make this world a better place, well, we’ve got to start somewhere.

stonegrooved 19 hours ago

There is no perfect role model. Every “humantarian” I can think of had their faults. The main objective is to be fair, honest and extend a helping hand to others. MJ tried to live by two of those principles, even if his sense of humanity got clouded in his later years.
Honesty was never his strong suit.

stonegrooved 20 hours ago

You actions defy your words as you have always been the aggressor. It is proven in the comments you’ve left. We never once were angry or aggressive to you but you repeatedly cursed and called names in an effort to ensure a retaliatory response. WE never succumbed to your baited comments and have always treated you with respect, even though we disagreed with your opinions. 

MJJJusticeProject 21 hours ago

@MJJJusticeProject – Fine. Then let’s remove MJ as a symbol of your quest for peace. I’ve said it repeatedly, there will never be the universal consensus on this matter. Regardless of how much you pray that the entire world will accept Michael Jackson as our beacon of truth and honestly, MJ destroyed his reputation for many of us and you aren’t going to change that by ordering us to see otherwise!!
The answer is TOLERANCE!!
We need to figure out how to be DIFFERENT TOGETHER!!

stonegrooved 21 hours ago

@MJJJusticeProject – Most civil minded people in this world accept that their faith is a matter of personal choice. There are still hostile zealots in this world that are willing to kill others in the name of their religion but true believers know that the quest for peace lies in YOUR ACTIONS, not your beliefs. What gives you the right to impose your beliefs on others? 

stonegrooved 21 hours ago

Comment removed 

stonegrooved 21 hours ago

@MJJJusticeProject – Remember the “Church Lady” on SNL? She was sooo polite in the way she condemned others too! She was like, “My, you’re so special with your sinful ways, aren’t you?” At least I don’t sugar coat what I say and hide my agenda with tons of copy and pastes that reflect my biased point of view, the way you do!!

stonegrooved 20 hours ago

@MJJJusticeProject – If you want to incorporate MJ’s gentle mannerisms into your quest for peace, more power to you! Just don’t dream that everybody needs to aspire to his pampered, decadent lifestyle!
As a whole, MJ is the wrong role model for the future we face!!

stonegrooved 20 hours ago

MJ fans had a chance to restore some sanity here but it’s too important for them to tell everyone what badasses they think they are! I tried to bind a reasonable pact but MJ fans don’t want any part of it! They’d still have 99% of the rest of the videos here to post their devotion for MJ but allowing non-fans one page to correspond on is asking too much! Apparently, its much too important for these MJ lovechildren to go to a video they HATE and inform everyone of how much they HATE it!! 

stonegrooved 21 hours ago

If you truly kept only to these hater sites and wallowed in your hate speech that would be all well and good. However, you’ve shown repeatedly that you have some sick obsession with engaging MJ supporters in verbal combat as your hate for the man spills over readily to anyone who is in pursuit of truth. 

MJJJusticeProject 22 hours ago

@MJJJusticeProject – I’m not the kind of guy that’s going to lower my head and allow you fans to bludgeon me senseless with your MJ sticks. You’re gonna get what you give from me. Did you happen to read where I said that I have nothing against people that love his music and that MJ had admirable qualities? Would I say that if all I want to do is promote hate? It seems to me you and I are opposite sides of the same coin. 

stonegrooved 21 hours ago

@MJJJusticeProject – Oh healer, HEAL THYSELF!!!

stonegrooved 21 hours ago
@MJJJusticeProject – Why don’t you take a little jaunt over to “Jacko is really hurting” and get through to the fans there that AREN’T merely in pursuit of the truth and are spewing THEIR VENOM for anyone that isn’t willing to fall on their knees and worship your “King” this very second!!

stonegrooved 21 hours ago
@MJJJusticeProject – How in the hell can you guys condemn anyone that doesn’t worship you idol?? Isn’t that more than a little hypocritical??

stonegrooved 21 hours ago
@MJJJusticeProject – Your mission statement boils down to oppression! You don’t concern yourselves with global harmony; you just want to squelch the resistance!! You think that YOU’RE RIGHT and anyone that doesn’t agree with you ARE WRONG!! That, my friend, is the same as pointing a gun at the heads of the rabble that refuses to recognize your authority and demanding they love you!! Is THAT what MJ stood for?? You should climb down off the MJ soapbox and strive for TOLERANCE!!

stonegrooved 21 hours ago

Your promises are soon broken as perfectly demonstrated here with all of you comments toward MJJJusticeProject. On one comment you say you will spend no more time on us and the next you continue to abuse. You have spewed your venom on many MJ videos and attempted to upset MJ supporters for years as this has always been your goal. It must fulfill something lacking in your life. We hope God will help you find some fulfillment. 

MJJJusticeProject 22 hours ago

If MJ’s image inspire you to go out and do wonderful things for this planet, LET HIS LOVE LIGHT SHINE!! However, for those of us that fail to see how him luring other people’s children into his bed was going to “heal the world,” MJ does not represent love and tolerance to us!
Especially when you belligerent fans can’t wait to bite the heads off of anyone that doesn’t agree with you!

stonegrooved 22 hours ago

Do you want to witness “HATE?” I tried to appeal to the love and goodwill you fans are always praising MJ for on the “Jacko is really hurting” video. (A video MJ fans claim to hate anyway.) I suggested fans turn this one tiny video over for non-fans to discuss MJ calmly and unemotionally. I promised to limit my comments on the other MJ sites here on YT if they would stay away from that one. Turns out MJ fans love to argue and spread hate around in MJ’s name too much to let that happen!

stonegrooved 23 hours ago
I REPEAT: (Cough…I’m getting a little hoarse now.)
There will NEVER be an universal conscensus on this debate!! Stubborn fools like MJJJusticeProject are NOT your friend! Their intention is to keep you fans riled up to suit their selfish agenda!! Ultimately, the goal of EVERY on of us is not to fawn over a vain popstar! Our goal should be to become MORE HUMAN and learn to tolerate other points of view, whether we agree with them or not!!

stonegrooved 23 hours ago

Name calling and abusive comments may have run other Mj supporters off because they are afraid that it signifies a much deeper and darker personality. Many have been put off by the negativity and harassment of the words you write but WE shall not be thwarted in our efforts to bring the TRUTH to light. Michael Jackson’s true legacy will long endure long after you squeak your last insult. 

MJJJusticeProject 1 day ago

@MJJJusticeProject – Just what do you hope to accomplish by drawing a line in the dirt?

stonegrooved 23 hours ago

There would be no magazine stands left if these so called hysterical fans burned down every one that was negative as they ALL were. Scroll down all of the comments the only hysterical person is the one calling names, and pointing fingers, professing ‘belief’s and “opinions’ as fact. Free speech door swings both ways. Facts and files cannot be discredited with shouting and bullying tactics. 

MJJJusticeProject 1 day ago
This forum is not only for MJ haters to spew their jealously driven drivel into the minds of poor unsuspecting passers by. Bottom line..more and more people are starting to investigate and more and more are finding the truth. Calling names only cheapens your premise and presents you as the obsessive hater of this man who was proven innocent, despite the fact that the media had him convicted PRIOR to trial. 

MJJJusticeProject 1 day ago

@MJJJusticeProject – Sure, sure. I say we all owe it to the welfare of the world’s population to quit squabbling over insignificant issues like the honor of a dead popstar and just agree to disagree in the name of peace and you say, “STOP PICKING ON US FANS!!”
How old are you?

stonegrooved 23 hours ago
Now THATS what forums are for!! To cut through the hype and get to the guts of the debate! Not to continue to stonewall readers with additional BLAH, BLAH, BLAH!!!

stonegrooved 1 day ago
Bottom line? NOBODY TAKES YOU SCREWBALLS SERIOUSLY!! The future will NOT be kind to MJ. Only in the cobwebs of his fan’s MJ soaked brains will his legacy reflect a fraction of the honor you guys think should be bestowed upon your “KING!” He’s gonna be remembered as a popular entertainer that sold a shitload of records.
Turn the page.

stonegrooved 1 day ago
Take that Beatles song right debate. If anyone did that to MJ, you fans would have a cow! If Paul outbid MJ for his song rights and poor widdle Mikey was blubbering about what a big, fat meanie Paul is, you nutcases would mob up and storm McCartney’s gate, demanding he give Jacko his songs back!
Then Paul would release his attack dogs and that’d be the end of that!

stonegrooved 1 day ago
Hell, if a news-stand dared to carry an anti-MJ magazine, YOU HYSTERICAL FANS WOULD BURN IT TO THE GROUND!!!!

stonegrooved 1 day ago
MJ is like religion. His fans simply accept that MJ was so God-like, (Hell, even MJ said he tried to be “God-like!”) us commoners are just too “human” to comprehend the vastness of it all! Take that screwy ins. co. that supposedly bailed an innocent man out. It’s just plain uncharacteristic for ANY ins. co. to dish out money they don’t have to. Had they let MJ to attend to his duty as a good citizen, face his accuser in court and disprove his allegations, THEY WOULDN’T HAVE TO PAY A CENT!!

stonegrooved 1 day ago

WE say believe what you want and write what you want. It’s a free forum. WE aren’t asking anyone to believe anything WE say. WE are asking people to READ more than the biased media reports. Media reported the direct testimony but NOT the cross.. So you gotta ask yourself WHY? If you really want the truth.. READ the FULL 2005 court transcript. Don’t take ANYONE’s opinion or word- EDUCATE yourself

MJJJusticeProject 1 day ago

@MJJJusticeProject – Kindly direct me to all this “anti-MJ” tabloid trash. It must be buried beneath the landslide of the “MJ WAS A SWEET INNOCENT ANGEL, DAMMIT!!” rag-mags you fans subscribe to!
Take YouTube for example. For every anti-MJ video, there are a hundred “MJ NEVER DID ANYTHING WRONG IN HIS WHOLE LIFE!!” videos.

stonegrooved 1 day ago
@MJJJusticeProject – Take these pro-MJ WebPages you so whole-heartedly believe in. Each and every one of them provide you guppies with handy alibis for any discrepancy concerning MJ.
Like the “Jesus Juice” debate. MJ’s own employees have testified under oath that they saw drunken children in MJ’s presence, yet the handy-dandy alibi is that MJ was conveniently absent when that occurred. Nevermind the fact that MJ was basically a shut-in and it was HIS booze!!
It doesn’t have to make sense!!

stonegrooved 1 day ago

There is no such conclusive evidence – this is a false statement. It did indeed NOT match, otherwise the child’s testimony would NOT have been needed. Two grand juries looked at this Evan Chandler drawing and being a Jewish man, he drew from what he knew. If he’d known that Michael was uncircumcized perhaps he would have drawn a different picture. Remote? surely you jest.

MJJJusticeProject 1 day ago

@MJJJusticeProject – Sure, sure. That’s why money was pouring in from the MJ camp to make them go away, because they were sooo inaccurate.
You say people should make up their own minds and then you tell them what to think!!

stonegrooved 1 day ago

Here’s more of MY opinion:
There’s no scientifically proven musical formula that guarantees everyone will like one style or another. I don’t care for Rap myself but if someone else likes it, it’s good music to him or her. There’s no such thing as “good” or “bad” music, just music each of us as an individual likes or would rather not listen to.Personally, there’s a great deal of MJ’s music I’d rather not listen to.

stonegrooved 1 day ago
Basically, it’s ALL about personal tastes. I have no quarrel with anyone that loves MJ’s music and if his image inspires you to do wonderful things for this planet, LET HIS LOVE LIGHT SHINE! Now if you say that he was a sweet innocent angel that never did anything wrong, I gotta draw the line! The real world just doesn’t turn that way. There’s good and bad in EVERYONE and MJ was no exception.

stonegrooved 1 day ago

Google Youtube Michael Jackson 2005 Live Court Verdict It’s sometimes hard to swallow the truth when it goes against what your own personal opinions are but luckily for Michael – proof and evidence was required in a court of law. No matter what his innocence prevailed. Despite the biased news reporting his true legacy will be remembered. 

MJJJusticeProject 1 day ago

That “lie” about JC’s drawing of his majesty’s royal cock is supported by the court documents. It says, “The discolorations in his drawing WAS NOT something he could or would have guessed about or seen accidentally. I believe the photographs substantially corroborate JC’s graphic representation of the Defendant’s penis.” The only remote discrepancy was the circumcision issue. That drawing was identical otherwise. It’s funny how experts like you keep ignoring this fact.

stonegrooved 1 day ago

It’s MY opinion that it would be easy for a 10-year-old boy to mistake whether an erect penis was circumcised or not. To completely disallow that otherwise accurate evidence on that basis alone is insane. It’s like how after Gavin and his brother got tiny details of their testimony confused PROVES they were lying. Considering their credibility was being attacked by MJ’s pitbull lawyers, there was a mob of fans screaming for their blood outside and that THEY WERE ONLY KIDS, it’s understandable.

stonegrooved 1 day ago

MJ’s music video legacy shames contemporary Hollywood’s inability to sustain the music video as an expression of mankind’s dreams. He displayed rare understanding of how music and images can edify the human condition. That’s why Liz’s all-out defense and confirmation matters. 

MJJJusticeProject 1 day ago

@MJJJusticeProject – I don’t know what you hope to accomplish by copying and pasting whatever hype you find that merely SUPPORTS your point of view! With the humongous media of pro-MJ trash out there, MJ fans can do that on their own. This is a PUBLIC FORUM!! Forums were invented to allow responsible people to debate issues. Not for you to…(what did you say your goal is now?) bombard the reader with anyone’s opinion so long as they love MJ as much as you do?

stonegrooved 1 day ago

Put MJ in proper context with Singin’ in the Rain, Shall We Dance and The Band Wagon as serious expression, not trivial daydreaming. Too busy finger-sapping to consider “The Way You Make Me Feel” ’s exploration of courtship ritual? In This Is It, MJ turns masculine drive into iconography that studies eroticism and social custom—all of it beautifully sung and imaginatively choreographed.

MJJJusticeProject 1 day ago

@MJJJusticeProject – See? It’s not hard. That’s MY opinion!! Not the opinion of Joe Expert!!

stonegrooved 1 day ago

Despite race, class and puritanical obstacles, Jackson advanced the movie-musical genre his own way—working with the best, trusting his instinct and raising the promo film to an art form every time out.MJ’s taken-for-granted cinematic passion was ahead of Hollywood in visualizing the complexities of sex (“In the Closet”) race (“Black or White”), ecology (“Earth Song”) and that aspect of our cultural heritage that wrestles with mankind’s aggressive instincts (“Smooth Criminal”). …

MJJJusticeProject 1 day ago

@MJJJusticeProject – Hahahahaha!! That’s right, kids!! Ignore the New York Post!! There’s a whole avalanche of pro-MJ propaganda out there that’s just begging for you to buy it!!
Still copying and pasting other people’s opinions like they’re your own, are you?

stonegrooved 1 day ago

New York Press Nov 09 Keep Moving
Michael Jackson may not have been a film star, but ARMOND WHITE explains his music videos as art
By Armond White

MJJJusticeProject 1 day ago

If what you fans mean to say is that we need to understand each other better, then I’m right there with you! But we need to bond as DIFFERENT people! We aren’t going to bond the way MJ hoped we could! We aren’t going to fix this world by jumping into bed with each other! We have to accept and respect each other as separate personalities. That involves realizing that we won’t always agree! (A frame of mind that we are a long way away from, even after all these years!!)

stonegrooved 1 day ago

Emerson describes MJ to a T: a victim of his own excesses, thin and pale, cold feet and a hot head, sleepless, the conceits he entertained, spending day and night fixated on his fantasies and expecting society to condone them, destitute in the application of his schemes but completely committed to vitalize them.
Whether you fans acknowledge it or not, that’s the way less infatuated people view him.

stonegrooved 1 day ago

WE are propagating the FBI files as factual evidence.. don’t be afraid. Truth will out. Opinions and beliefs aren’t evidence of anything except what that individual has decided to embrace. We ask everyone to educate themselves.. Don’t listen to anything ANYONE says.. including us.. WE ask you to READ, Investigate then make you own opinion. WE don’t scream and call names and demand you believe us.

MJJJusticeProject 1 day ago
Are we posting quotes? Ralph Waldo Emerson describes MJ to T!
Think children, THINK!! Not about what you’ve heard but what will bend you off into it’s own direction anyway!! MJ has some good qualities that I hope will endure forever. One is that he’s a sensitive man. We need more of those. And two, that he was a great talent! Nevertheless, we can’t afford as a nation to mooch off of some rich popstar’s image! Not with the future we face!! We need to pull together or we’ll kill each other!!

stonegrooved 1 day ago
“The studious class are their own victims. They’re thin & pale, their feet are cold, their heads are hot, the night is without sleep, the day a fear of interruption, squalor, hunger & egotism. If you come near them to see what conceits they entertain, they spend their time dreaming, expecting the homage of society to some precious scheme built on a truth but destitute of proportion in its presentment, of justness in its application & of energy of will in the schemer to embody and vitalize it. “

stonegrooved 1 day ago
Joe Vogel has written a book – Preorder Man in the Music: The Creative Life and Work of Michael Jackson
His truth will be told and his true legacy will live on long after his detractors who spread false stories are dust in the wind. 
”Three things cannot long be hidden the sun, the moon, and the truth.”

MJJJusticeProject 1 day ago
@MJJJusticeProject – With religion, we have the freedom to worship whatever denomination we choose (We should anyway.) but what gives you the right to impose you values in a public forum when you haven’t thought this out beyond “MJ was a sweet innocent angel that never did anything wrong?” How is what you’re saying different than saying people that put their faith in some book are ignorant fools! There are very good reasons why we have standards of social behavior in this world, kiddo!!

stonegrooved 1 day ago
We don’t feel it necessary to denigrate the Beatles, John Lennon or Yoko Ono for what they accomplished within the music industry NOR what they accomplished in their public demonstration of charity worldwide or political activism. In fact we applaud any and everyone. WE don’t present our biased opinion and present them as truth. WE ask people to READ and EDUCATE yourself. Truth is free… 

MJJJusticeProject 1 day ago

Anyone who wants to truth – please Google – “fact-checking-the-“michael-ja­ckson-facts-info”-hater’s-” Anyone can spew their opinionated venom… Please READ the FBI as the PROVE his innocence – Please READ the 93 transcripts- READ Ray Chandler book<–this one really proves MJ innocence! READ the 2005 trial transcript. We aren’t screaming for anyone to believe we ask you to RESEARCH.

MJJJusticeProject 1 day ago

@MJJJusticeProject – How will reading the FBI files PROVE MJ’s innocence? I suppose the next thing you’ll tell us is that the FBI are MJ fans!! As for your biased, pro-MJ publications, nearly NONE of them are accurate representations of what happened. They’re mostly hype with an agenda. They’re promoting the Mighty MJ Machine’s big money grab. The world is in recession and they want more of your money!!
Don’t be a tool, fool!!

stonegrooved 1 day ago

You see, to hear MJ fans tell it, MJ was happily moonwalking through life, devoting each waking moment to thinking of wonderful new ways to save the human race when…
Out of the shadows jumped big evil monsters that repeatedly attacted that sweet innocent angel for no reason!!!
(And now some scenes from next week’s show!!)

stonegrooved 1 day ago

Oh, and let’s not forget anyone in the California Police Dept. that didn’t treat poor widdle Mikey like fine china while he was in custody and Janet’s ex-husband, James DeBarge, who told a police informant that he walked in on MJ and Sean Lennon “together in a sexual way.”
All filthy lying haters.

stonegrooved 1 day ago

Jermaine & Latoya Jackson, Jack Gordon, Bob Jones, Martin Bashir, Tom Sneddon, Evan & Jordan Chandler, Gavin & Janet Arvizo, Diane Diamond, Maureen Orth, Eleanor Cook, Ray Hultman, Larry Feldman, Kiki Fouriner, Gene Simmons, Freddie Mercury, Norma Staikos, Dwayne Swingler, Terry George, The FBI, Darwin Porter, Eddie Reynoza, Marc Schaffel, Blanca & Jason Francia, Sheik Abdulla, Raymone Bain, Myung Ho Lee, 2 social workers in the FBI files…All lying haters.
MJ = Sweet and innocent. Right?

stonegrooved 1 day ago
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stonegrooved 1 day ago
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stonegrooved 1 day ago
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stonegrooved 1 day ago
Comment removed 

stonegrooved 1 day ago
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stonegrooved 1 day ago

This isn’t about MJ supporters – It’s about the world coming to grips with the reality that they allowed a bullying biased media to basically ‘lynch’ this man for 20 years. He was hounded and harassed for corporate bottom line greed. The public was fed half truths and manipulations so that they could feel comfortable with demonizing this gentle human being. Time is on the side of Truth . .. It will be told.

MJJJusticeProject 1 day ago

@MJJJusticeProject – You mean those evil lying tabloids that I’ve post articles from like The New York Post, The Chicago Tribune and Time Magazine?
Yeah, right.
At least I’m willing to post my sources. You just post any pro-MJ propaganda you can find and call it “the truth.” 

stonegrooved 1 day ago
U2 Pays Tribute to Michael Jackson
U2 paid tribute to Michael Jackson during their concert Tuesday night in Barcelona. The band dedicated the iconic “Angel of Harlem”, originally written for Billie Holiday, to Michael and infused a medley of Jackson’s “Man in the Mirror” and “Don’t Stop ‘Til You Get Enough” into the end of the song.
Introducing the song, Bono described Michael as an “unspeakable talent.” Bono understood Michael.

MJJJusticeProject 1 day ago
As cited before 20% of the profits from his Estate are designated toward specified charities. It makes little sense to compare what other did, it isn’t a contest. His humanitarian efforts were the forerunners to Bono, and Jolie.. he was well ahead of any of his peers in efforts to make the world a better place. He will be remembered for all of the good he did in this world and surely blessed in the hereafter for it as well. 

MJJJusticeProject 1 day ago
“In a testament to his enduring appeal, the Jackson deal eclipses a number of mega-deals signed by contemporary acts, including Bruce Springsteen’s $110 million deal with Columbia Records in 2005 and Robbie Williams’ $150 million pact with EMI in 2002. Jackson is said to have left behind more than 100 unreleased songs that could be mined for releases for decades in the same way that the recordings of Elvis Presley and Jimi Hendrix have since those performers’ deaths.

MJJJusticeProject 1 day ago
Had he not been murdered with Branca’s advice he would have had the deal that the Los Angeles Times speculated could be worth up to $250 million and include unreleased recordings, DVDs and video games.
The seven-year deal with Jackson’s longtime home, Sony Music Entertainment, could cover up to 10 new Jackson projects, though no specific releases were announced on Monday. “We and Sony feel that the future for Michael Jackson is unlimited”

MJJJusticeProject 1 day ago

MJ finances always had many business dealings and he was restructuring when he brought in John Branca in 2009. Prior to his death, he still owned assets, including the Encino compound ($4,150,000), a condo ($315,000), Desert Auto LLC ($676K) cars…etc..,. ABC reported an additional 5.5 million Tohme the Estate that he was holding for MJ. Of course his largest asset is his ownership of the ATV catalog, in which estimates range from $500 million to $1 billion. Pauper? Hardly.

MJJJusticeProject 1 day ago

The King of Pop was a world-class pauper when he died. Although he was $500 million in debt, that didn’t stop him from living large, he was staying in a $100,000-a-month rental when he died, and had been taking out loans on some of his biggest assets, including the catalog of Beatles songs he had snapped up from Paul McCartney in the late 1980.
That’s right! People kept loaning him money and do you know why? BECAUSEHE OWNED THE BEATLES SONGS!!

stonegrooved 1 day ago
Jackson dug himself into a deep financial hole with a combination of reckless spending and massive legal problems at a time when his record sales were plummeting. In 2005, an accountant said Jackson was spending $20 million to $30 million more a year than he was taking in.
Even though he was broke, he kept buying expensive gifts like jewelry and cars for people like Elizabeth Taylor!
He Died In Debt Up To His Ears / New York Post – June 27, 2009

stonegrooved 1 day ago

It’s comical to hear how MJ fans think isolating in his lonely mansion, getting high, molesting boys and writing checks makes MJ a humantiraian. John and Yoko literally put their lives at risk to protest the USA’s involvement in the Vietnam war. John was British and Yoko was Japanese. They didn’t need to protest a war the US was involved in, but they thought it was important so they stuck their necks out…FOR US! MJ may have donated to charities but John was a true humanitarian!

stonegrooved 1 day ago
A true humanitarian needs to set his own self-interests aside for the good of the people and maintain a clean, respectable image to be revered after death. In other words, he needs to do more than talk the talk. MJ deserves recognition for the money he donated to charities. However, if he continued to donate millions after he had squandered most of his fortune away, that’s pretty suspicious. Most likely, it was a desperate ploy to cover his tracks and repair his damaged reputation.

stonegrooved 1 day ago
Comment removed 

stonegrooved 1 day ago

Paul was waiting for Yoko to ante up! She was trying to get them for less. In the end, even though it didn’t mean he didn’t care, Paul lost his songs. It’s a done deal. He has too much class to freak out about it in public for the amusement of you fans. I’m sure that there are things that he (and Yoko) wishes that he (they) had done differently. This is going to be an embarrassment and inconvenience for him for the rest of his life.
Pretty rank thing to do to a friend.

stonegrooved 1 day ago

I guess it’s the other way around. MJ is known as a little boy in a big man’s body but the way he dove in and snatched those song rights out from under the composer and his dead partner’s widow was pure backstabbing, unscrupulous greed and just one more reason millions will continue to hate Michael Jackson.

stonegrooved 1 day ago

Some people rob others with a gun and some use a pen. I wasn’t born yesterday. I know that regardless of how sensitive a business transaction may be or who might get hurt, money talks. It’s just that from my corner, integrity counts. I guess the bottom line here for twisted MJ fans is if you have more millions than an another guy’s millions, then it doesn’t matter if it’s the ethical thing to do, JUST DO IT! The guy that dies with the most toys wins, right?

stonegrooved 1 day ago

You know what’s really ironic? MJ has an image as a sweet, naive man in a little boy’s body but the way he went behind Paul’s back and secured that deal really shows how naive Paul was! He didn’t even see it coming! Let’s not forget that this is a decision that MJ made that he didn’t exactly discuss with Paul. Paul didn’t take him seriously! By the time Paul figured out what was happening, it was a done deal! They belonged to MJ! HE DIDN’T HAVE A CHANCE TO BID AFTER THAT!!

stonegrooved 1 day ago

Yup, that’s right. Paul didn’t think it would be “ethical” (there’s that pesky old word again, huh?) for him to own John’s songs. He was negotiating a price with Yoko when big bucks MJ saw his mark and rushed in to scoop up the fruits of John and Paul’s labor, permanently destroying his friendship and songwriting partnership with Paul. Sir Paul was trying to do the right thing. (What a fool, huh?)
MJ didn’t care. He just wanted to pad his already bulging bank account!

stonegrooved 1 day ago

Comment removed 

stonegrooved 1 day ago
If by donating all of profits from his tours to charity – buying much needed medical equipment for hospitals in every town on his concert tours – and refurbishing orphanages with any supply they lacked – paying for medical expenses for children whose parents couldn’t, feeding 1/2 the population of the world .. “hoarding” then you need a dictionary. 

MJJJusticeProject 1 day ago
What’s that you say? MJ was a great guy for destroying his friendship with Paul so he could take that money and FEED HALF THE WORLD? Bullshit! Why not let the guy that wrote those songs donate some of their revenue to charities? I don’t care how you’ve consulted your pro-MJ sources and conclued that MJ was still the richest, most generous man on the planet, I have sources that say he was aprox. 500 million dollars in debt and the only thing keeping Neverland’s doors open were the Beatles songs!

stonegrooved 1 day ago
Those song rights weren’t just laying around, waiting to be scooped up. Both John and Paul tried to regain control over their songs but there was so much litigation, financial mismanagement and disharmony among the band members that their song rights got shuffled around several times until they finally went up for sale in 1985. Big bucks MJ, ever the opportunist, saw his mark and went for it, callously monopolizing on them. He didn’t care, he just wanted more money!

stonegrooved 1 day ago
When The Beatle’s manager died in the mid sixties, they tried to manage themselves until they broke up in 1970. This resulted in years of financial mismanagement and lawsuits. Just as the dust of their longstanding feud began to settle, John Lennon was murdered in 1980. In 1985, the entire Lennon/McCartney song catalogue was put out for sale. McCartney and Lennon’s widow were preparing to make a bid to retain the rights to the songs Paul and John composed but were out trumped by MJ. 

stonegrooved 1 day ago
The Beatles agreed to assign their song rights to Northern Songs in 1963. After a failed attempt by Lennon and McCartney to buy the company, Northern Songs was sold in 1969. Their manager died and they foolishly tried to manage themselves. After years of financial disarray, lawsuits and internal problems, they couldn’t agree on a new manager and broke up. There are many reasons why their songs went up for sale. 

stonegrooved 1 day ago
To finance his lifestyle, Jackson borrowed money, using the catalog as collateral. Nevertheless, he never lost the asset. The entire catalog was estimated to be worth between $600 million and $1 billion in 2005, according to a 2005 article in USA Today. McCartney said in the posting that he and Jackson may have “drifted apart,” but “we never really fell out.”
”At times like this, the press do tend to make things up, so occasionally, I feel the need to put the record straight,” he wrote.

MJJJusticeProject 1 day ago
n 1984, the catalog was put up for sale again. McCartney wanted to buy his creations back, but for various reasons wasn’t a front-runner. Jackson — who had taken to investing in music publishing at, ironically, McCartney’s recommendation — came up with the winning bid of $47.5 mil.
In 1995 Sony paid Jackson $95 mil to merge the catalog with its Sony Music. Jackson maintained 50 percent control. In 2005, Sony/ATV Music had more than 200,000 songs in its catalog, a article reported.

MJJJusticeProject 1 day ago
Over the years (and partly due to the group’s legal battles) the Beatles lost or sold their control, and the catalog of about 250 songs — almost all of Lennon/McCartney’s creations — ended up in the hands of British media mogul Sir Lew Grade and his ATV Music Publishing. ATV added the Beatles’ songs to its holdings, a cache that eventually grew to more than 4,000 songs. (Other songs in the catalog include those recorded by the Kinks, the Moody Blues and Elvis Presley.)

MJJJusticeProject 1 day ago

“Some time ago, the media came up with the idea that Michael Jackson was going to leave his share in the Beatles songs to me in his will which was completely made up and something I didn’t believe for a second,” McCartney said. “Now the report is that I am devastated to find that he didn’t leave the songs to me. This is completely untrue,” he added.

MJJJusticeProject 1 day ago
July 0 2009 CNN-Rumors about Jackson, Beatles catalog untrue, McCartney says-
First the rumor went around that Michael Jackson was leaving the Beatles catalog to Paul McCartney in his will. Then the rumor was that McCartney was upset that Jackson didn’t leave the Beatles catalog to the Beatle in his will.
Neither is true, said McCartney in a posting on his Web site.

MJJJusticeProject 1 day ago
Don’t forget all you MJ wannabes, that big evil monster Evan Chandler suing your hero after he caught him molesting his 10 year old son and lived off of the loot MJ desperately shoved in his pockets to make him back off was a horrible, evil thing to do, while Mr. Perfect hoarding all the income from other men’s hard work was a decent, honorable thing to do!
Keep telling yourselves that until it makes sense!!

stonegrooved 1 day ago
You know how you fans think that ANYTHING MJ did was great? Like how outbidding Paul McCartney for his song rights was such a savvy business move, even if it destroyed their friendship? I wonder if MJ felt that way when he was dying alone, without any family or friends around.
I’m willing to bet that Paul McCartney won’t die alone!!

stonegrooved 1 day ago
It’s likely that the fortune that MJ swindled from his “friend’ and a dead man’s widow is going to support his children’s drug habits now. While MJ fans try to make light of his tragic death, the fact is that his children are being raised by MJ’s parents now. That’s right! The same people MJ claims damaged him so badly as a child!! Who wants to lay bets on how long it’ll take before his offspring follow in their father’s footsteps with all the money from those song rights at their disposal?

stonegrooved 1 day ago
Sir Paul McCartney has long felt betrayed by Jackson. In 2006 McCartney said, “You know it doesn’t feel very good to go on tour and I have to pay to sing my songs. Every time I sing ‘Hey Jude,’ I’ve got to pay someone.” MJ tried to save face by saying that he planned to give Paul back the rights to his songs in his will but it appears Paul knows MJ a lot better than his fans do because he claims he didn’t believe it for a second.
That’s right kids, it was just another MJ lie!

stonegrooved 1 day ago
Comment removed 

stonegrooved 2 days ago
Comment removed 

stonegrooved 2 days ago
……….and he did it by funneling the earnings of the NEW catalog he bought to pay for the loan itself. If you realize what he is doing, that is another genius move he adopted from his great businessmen friends– taking advantage of LEVERAGE. Acquiring something without letting out a single centavo of your own money”.

MJJJusticeProject 2 days ago
Forbes Jan 2011 – “The debt you mentioned is actually a BUSINESS LOAN which he made ($300 million USD) in order to purchase a 2nd, much modern music catalog in 2006-2007. This is not extraordinary when you have assets worth 1 billion and above, Donald Trump has more loans than he does. Based on the terms of the loan with Bank of America, that loan is being paid for monthly for a span of 6 years…….

MJJJusticeProject 2 days ago
May 2007- Guardian
Michael Jackson now owns the rights to Eminem’s back catalogue, after his partnership company Sony/ATV purchased the publishing company Famous Music for $370 million. ….Bjork, Shakira and Beck are also among the many artists , at auction yesterday afternoon.The acquisition comes just months after speculation that Jackson would be forced to give up the rights to the Beatles back catalogue because he was facing bankruptcy…….

MJJJusticeProject 2 days ago
@MJJJusticeProject – Gee, that’s swell.
I would remind you that the only thing Michael Jackson “owns” right now is a wooden box encased in cement. That’s cuz no matter how much you fans can’t accept this often overlooked fact and continue to talk about him like he’s superhuman, he is, in fact, DEAD!!

stonegrooved 2 days ago
99?? pfft Michael Jackson had big time business acumen –
NY times Feb 2004 “In addition to the $70 million loan, there is also a $200 million loan, guaranteed by the ATV music catalog that he owns with Sony. But the Jackson advisers said that asset was also leveraged for an additional $250 million to buy other music libraries by other stars.
Even now, half the money earned by Mr. Jackson goes to the bank under the loan agreement. ”.
Keep reading and LEARN …

MJJJusticeProject 2 days ago
Comment removed 

stonegrooved 2 days ago
Doggone it Time magazine, STOP MAKING SENSE!!
MJ fans have a fantasy to maintain!!!

stonegrooved 2 days ago
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stonegrooved 2 days ago
MJ left behind as much as $500 million in debts. That includes a $315 million loan owed to British bank Barclays, as well as millions of dollars in bills. “MJ never paid his bills,” says a lawyer who did work for MJ over the years. “Countless professionals who worked for him are still waiting to get paid.” In May, the singer’s longtime publicist Raymone Bain sued MJ for $44 million in unpaid fees.
– Time magazine 6/1/99 (Michael Jackson’s Estate: Saved by the Beatles)

stonegrooved 2 days ago
WE shall leave you to your rantings. May God bless you and keep your safe.

MJJJusticeProject 2 days ago
@MJJJusticeProject – You better run, wimp.

stonegrooved 2 days ago
@MJJJusticeProject – Just bear in mind that I’m prepared to make mincemeat of you anywhere you go so I suggest you tread lightly!!!

stonegrooved 2 days ago
Already, speculation that the 14-year-old boy may not be willing to cooperate with officials is swirling. The boy’s civil suit was settled out of court this week.
The boy’s lawyers say the settlement does not preclude the teen from testifying in a criminal case, though prosecutors cannot force him to testify against his will. Full Text: Copyright USA Today Information Network Jan 28, 1994 

MJJJusticeProject 2 days ago
Photos may contradict Michael’s accuser USA TODAY (pre-1997 Fulltext). McLean, Va.: J an 28, 1994 . pg. 02.DAn unidentified source told Reuters news service Thursday that photos of Michael Jackson’s genitalia do not match descriptions given by the boy who accused the singer of sexual misconduct. If so, this could weaken any possible criminal actions against the singer. ..cont’d

MJJJusticeProject 2 days ago
@MJJJusticeProject – Go sell it to gullible MJ fans!!! You’re dealing with the real thing here!!

stonegrooved 2 days ago
You see kids; MJ fans can easily bypass MJ’s criminal offenses if it affords them the luxury of dwelling on his image. Even if he did things that none of us would tolerate from anyone else that walks among us, the important thing is that he reinforces our ideals of what a synthetic hero is meant to be!

stonegrooved 2 days ago
….You raised them with gentleness and kindness and genuine concern for their well-being. Their joy and love are a reflection of your attention and love as a parent.
Those who criticize and judge you should do well to look into their own family life. We have seen you countless times as an attentive and devoted father, and we join your many friends who stand beside you and your family now. With Love, Veronica and Gregory Peck

MJJJusticeProject 2 days ago
Dear Michael,
You are recognized as a great artist all over the world, but very few know you as a father. We have been close friends and have known you over twenty-five years. We have spent many times together with you, Prince, Paris and Prince Michael, who all play happily with our grandchildren.We and our children, who are of your generation, have always admired you as a loving and caring father. They love you and respect you… (cont’d) 

MJJJusticeProject 2 days ago
@MJJJusticeProject – Yadda, yadda, yadda.
Dear Michael, because your slice and dice mannequin face fits my image of a real man and you make me feel like dancing, you are better than the rest of us ordinary slobs and should be allowed to do ANYTHING!!!

stonegrooved 2 days ago
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stonegrooved 2 days ago

WE will no longer waste our time or this valuable forum on a person who is so blinded by some of their own personal demons that they refuse to even consider the possibility that they are wrong, especially after sufficient evidence has been presented. We are not interested in what you want or what you have to say. We will use this space to spread the TRUTH about Michael Jackson from people who KNEW him. 

MJJJusticeProject 2 days ago
@MJJJusticeProject – Ahhh… So you can’t find it, huh?

stonegrooved 2 days ago

@MJJJusticeProject – YOU’RE the one that brought up the mysterious “Pot of Gold at the End of the Rainbow” Insurance Company, NOT ME!!
How about you clarify THAT before you change the subject, Einstein??

stonegrooved 2 days ago

Wayne Dyer explores the spiritual journey in the second half of life when we long to find the purpose that is our unique contribution to the world. The powerful shift from the ego constructs we are taught early in life by parents and society—which promote an emphasis on achievement and accumulation—are shown in contrast to a life of meaning, focused on serving and giving back.

MJJJusticeProject 2 days ago

@MJJJusticeProject – What are doing now? Wasting Internet space copying and pasting other people’s comments on Wayne Dyer?
Typical MJ fan bullshit.

stonegrooved 2 days ago
@MJJJusticeProject – Why don’t you quit copying and pasting irrelevant crap and go find the name of that insurance co. that uncharacteristicly bailed an “innocent” man out so he wouldn’t have to face his accuser in court?
Run little bunny. Run run.

stonegrooved 2 days ago

Dyer holds a Doctorate in Educational Counseling from Wayne State University and was an associate professor at St. John’s University in New York. Dr. Wayne Dyer is affectionately called the “father of motivation” by his fans. Despite his childhood spent in orphanages and foster homes, Dr. Dyer has overcome many obstacles to make his dreams come true. Today he spends much of his time showing others how to do the same.

MJJJusticeProject 2 days ago
@MJJJusticeProject – I know who Wayne Dyer is, hotshot. The name of MJ’s insurance company is……??????

stonegrooved 2 days ago
@MJJJusticeProject – Is this your method of “proving” something? Bring something up and if someone asks you to elaborate on what you’ve said, shift gears and concentrate on something new?

stonegrooved 2 days ago

WAYNE W. DYER, PH.D., is an internationally renowned author and speaker in the field of self-development. He’s the author of over 30 books, has created many audio programs and videos, and has appeared on thousands of television and radio shows.

MJJJusticeProject 2 days ago
Dr. Wayne Dyer …Along with millions of people around the world, I say, thank you, Michael, for sharing your amazing talent to lift our spirits. I’ll remember you as a beautiful human being with a heart as big as the sky. 

MJJJusticeProject 2 days ago

@MJJJusticeProject – Or is everyone just supposed to blindly take your word for it?

stonegrooved 2 days ago

Dr.Wayne Dyer…Michael was dedicated to ending world hunger and helped create the 1985 “We Are the World” celebrity sing-along that brought together some of the biggest names in popular music to raise funds for famine relief in Africa. I didn’t have to explain “real magic” to Michael because he was already a spiritual being, already kind, loving, and ready to use his musical gift to create miracles.

MJJJusticeProject 2 days ago

@MJJJusticeProject – Dr. Wayne Dyer??? The guy that wrote “The Erroneous Zones” about a million years ago?? OK listen, I can quote dozens of “experts” that say MJ is guilty too but I would rather not try to stonewall readers with an avalanche of propaganda that goes nowhere.
YOU’RE the one that brought up the mysterious “Pot of Gold at the End of the Rainbow” Insurance Company, NOT ME!!
How about you clarify THAT before you change the subject, Einstein??

stonegrooved 2 days ago

Dr. Wayne Dyer ……With his enormous musical talent, he created a body of work that brought joy to millions. My children and I spent five very happy days with him at Neverland in 1991. He wanted to talk to me about “real magic,” but the truth is, he already had the magic—the power he needed to dream and create and give. 

MJJJusticeProject 2 days ago

Dr. Wayne Dyer …. I wanted to recognize Michael “whose words, music, and love remind us that it is only through giving that we are saving our own lives.” Michael Jackson had a special relationship with the principles of Real Magic, the idea of “creating miracles in everyday life.”

MJJJusticeProject 2 days ago

Real Magic and Michael by DR. WAYNE W. DYER …..In 1992 when the time came to write a dedication for my book Real Magic, I decided to recognize three special people—my dear daughter Saje, my spiritual brother Deepak Chopra, and my friend pop superstar Michael Jackson.

MJJJusticeProject 2 days ago
@MJJJusticeProject – Dodging my questions with irrelevant propaganda, are you? You realize that discredits you as an “expert,” right???

stonegrooved 2 days ago
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stonegrooved 2 days ago
What part of MJ telling his lawyers to take whatever measures were necessary to “get it behind us” sounds like some insurance co. came rip-roaring on the scene, pushed MJ and his lawyers aside and shoved millions into a startled EC’s hands while MJ protested in the background? Why would it take years to settle a civil case if MJ was innocent and EC had zero evidence against him? MJ panicked and paid his accuser a fortune to ensure he didn’t lose that case! WHY WOULD AN INNOCENT MAN DO THAT???

stonegrooved 2 days ago
-Michael Jackson visits 5-year old Leslie Robinette at a hospital, after she had undergone a bone-marrow transplant, leaving her with post-surgery depression; the patient has later on credited the famous visitor in person and publicly with enhancing her the will to live. He was only 15 at the time but realized early on that giving kindness and time to sick children was what God wished him to do.

MJJJusticeProject 2 days ago
@MJJJusticeProject – You have changed NOTHING!!!
OK, big bucks MJ donated money to charities. GOT IT!! As it is, it’s just diverting attention from the fact that he got away with things that would have gotten the rest of us ordinary slobs locked in a prison cell with a guy named “Bruiser!!”
When you can make a 45-year-old man luring untold numbers of pre-selected white boys with complacent parents into his bedroom unsupervised and getting drunk on his booze acceptable, we can talk!!

stonegrooved 2 days ago
@MJJJusticeProject – If a self-proclaimed “expert” like you can’t name that wacky, phantom insurance company, WHY IN GOD’S GREEN EARTH SHOULD WE BELIEVE YOU????

stonegrooved 2 days ago
Following the illness and death of Ryan White, Jackson helped draw public attention to HIV/AIDS, something that was still controversial at the time. He publicly pleaded with the Clinton Administration at Bill Clinton’s Inaugural Gala to give more money to HIV/AIDS charities and research. 

MJJJusticeProject 2 days ago
@MJJJusticeProject – Can you name this mysterious insurance company that had such little faith in their client, they dished out a king’s ransom when if they had only waited for MJ to follow through with the judicial process and disprove EC’s allegations THEY WOULDN’T HAVE TO PAY A CENT???
Here’s a tip: It sure as hell isn’t “HIS” insurance company!! For a company to exist, IT MUST HAVE A NAME!!!
What is it??

stonegrooved 2 days ago
Jackson founded the Heal the World Foundation in 1992. The charity organization brought underprivileged children to Jackson’s ranch to enjoy theme park rides that Jackson had built on the property. The foundation also sent millions of dollars around the globe to help children threatened by war, poverty, and disease. 

MJJJusticeProject 2 days ago
Signed without contest.. means they agreed … in case it’s unclear. The Chandlers’ lawyer Mr. Feldman also explicitly stated “nobody bought anybody’s silence” The criminal investigation was not halted with the settlement, however there were no one to corraborate any of the stories that Evan Chandler was spewing. 

MJJJusticeProject 2 days ago

On January 1, 1994, Jackson’s insurance carrier settled with the Chandlers out of court for undisclosed amount. After four months, 400 witnesses – A Santa Barbara County grand jury and a Los Angeles County grand jury disbanded on May 2, 1994 without indicting JacksonThe out-of-court settlement’s documentation specifically stated Jackson admitted no wrongdoing and no liability; the Chandlers and their family lawyer Larry Feldman signed it without contest.

MJJJusticeProject 2 days ago

Had Mr. Fabulous only ridden his amusement parks rides with his underaged pals and rotted his brain stupid on sno-cones and candy, NOBODY WOULD HAVE BATTED AN EYE! But he stubbornly lured children into HIS BEDROOM, unsupervised!! That’s called UNACCEPTABLE BEHAVIOR in this society and it cost MILLIONS each time he got busted for it! I don’t care if he claimed it was just innocent fun, we wouldn’t tolerate that from ANYONE else and we shouldn’t tolerate it from someone cuz he’s rich and famous!!

stonegrooved 2 days ago
NOBODY would consider Joe Average innocent if he settled out of court after being accused of inappropriate behavior with a minor!! It’s astounding the mind melting effect this “popstar” has on normally intelligent people!!

stonegrooved 3 days ago
Had MJ left it at “the world would be a better place if we all loved each other more,” nobody would batted an eye! But MJ did something that was bound to get him into hot water! He swung the gates open wide for anyone that was willing to hand their child over to him! He claimed he was going to put all those kids up in a guestroom for the night but then he started taking pre-selected boys into HIS bedroom instead! For a rich, vulnerable guy, that was an incredibly stupid thing to do!

stonegrooved 3 days ago
@stonegrooved have you any evidence against MJ ? obviously your lies is not enough ! .No doubt you are a burnt soul. An old man [like you ] wich he is a liar is very disgusting !!!

pers311 3 days ago
@pers311 – I don’t need evidence, I HAVE MICHAEL JACKSON’S BIG MOUTH!!! He said in numerous interviews the HE instructed his lawyers to take whatever action was necessary to put that case behind him. That dispels the rumor that some insurance co. paid that money! HE said he was going to keep taking children to bed whether the public approved or not and no matter how much he denied molesting those underaged white boys, his actions tattled on him. He fits the pedophile profile to a T!

stonegrooved 2 days ago

I don’t know what Never-Never Land you’re from Tinkerbell, but in the REAL world, innocent men don’t pay hush money! The problem you fans have before you is that unless you’re able to make what MJ did acceptable behavior for EVERYONE, you don’t stand a prayer convincing the world of his innocence! MJ turned his back on people that disapproved of his destructive lifestyle and lured untold numbers of children into his BEDROOM!! Does that register in your MJ soaked brain?
H-I-S B-E-D-R-O-O-M!!

stonegrooved 2 days ago

It would behoove you not to ask questions that you do not wish to really hear the answer to. The time has passed for these continued salacious allegations and mischaracterization of MJ to continue without a response. We will not longer stand idly by while these biased statements are repeated over and over ad nauseam. For now..we will leave you be since you’ve been reduced to name calling once again. 

MJJJusticeProject 3 days ago

If that civil case was all bogus and cold hearted “extortion,” WHY DID MJ PANIC AND PAY MILLIONS OF DOLLARS TO MAKE IT GO AWAY???
How can you dopey fans delude yourselves like this??
Here’s a handy tip: If you ever get accused of crime as despicable as child molestation and want the world to see how innocent you are, DON’T CAVE IN TO YOUR EXTORTIONIST’S DEMANDS!!!

stonegrooved 3 days ago

As anyone can see who scrolls up, it is you that has remained argumentative and have continued to address us by name. If you persists on stating your revisionist version of facts as you “believe” we have every right to respond in kind. Please note, we never have addressed you but simply made countering arguments to the baseless comments you posted. 

MJJJusticeProject 3 days ago

Extortion is not legal nor is it a business strategy of any honest mentally stable, or respectable human being. He also said “I’m going to destroy them” meaning his son and his ex-wife… and he pretty much succeeded. After he ran through all of his cash on get rich schemes he sponged off Jordan, until his mental illness got the best of him. Jordan stopped talking to his mother, June -maybe because she allowed Evan to do what he did. Who knows?

MJJJusticeProject 3 days ago
@MJJJusticeProject – MORE BULLSHIT!!!
EC wasn’t talking about his son and ex-wife when he said “I’m going to destroy them” !! He was talking about the Mighty MJ Machine!!
Is this how you “win” arguments, with conjecture and full blown lies????

stonegrooved 3 days ago

I would call Evan Chandler suing MJ a sound business practice too!! He said he was going to destroy him AND HE DID TOO!! MJ descended down a steady downhill slope afterwards!!

stonegrooved 3 days ago

The mere admission that you would act as Evan Chandler and extort money from another person comes as no real surprise to us. 

MJJJusticeProject 3 days ago

@MJJJusticeProject – Lay your greasy fingers on one of my loved ones and you’ll experience the wrath that MJ slimed out of the courtroom away from, Tinkerbell!!

stonegrooved 3 days ago

As for the Beatle catalog, MJ and Paul both bid on it and perhaps Yoko too. Paul gave up cause he didn’t have the capital. MJ procured the catalog in a legal business bid and it’s done all the time. Hating a man because he used sound business practice and demonstrated a prudent sense of preparing for the future, seems a bit harsh. The record companies were abusing many of their artists and stealing royalties for years but you aren’t complaining about that? 

MJJJusticeProject 3 days ago
@MJJJusticeProject *Click*
I’m sorry, you have reached / exceeded the response limit for braindead MJ fans set by stonegrooved but he has left you a message. Please hold…
”You are nothing more than a pupil of the absurd. You must have been taking notes because you’re as delusional as your idol!”
This concludes his message. Please call 1-800-EAT-SHIT for more assistance. Thank you and have a lovely MJ-free day. Goodbye.

stonegrooved 3 days ago
MJ is never, never, NEVER going to look as squeaky clean to less infatuated people as he does to you dopey fans!!!!
When are we going to hold MJ responsible for ANYTHING??

stonegrooved 3 days ago

Whatever surgeries cosmetic or reconstructive that MJ had done is his business and whether or not anyone else would do the same is irrelevant. That’s what makes individual liberty so great. Paying someone to have children for you is done all the time- its called Surrogacy. There are people who actually donate sperm and others who donate eggs, so that other people may have children. Is it the norm? No, but it’s done. Debbie Rowe acted as a surrogate, she was happy with it and so was he. 

MJJJusticeProject 3 days ago

You fans don’t know what the hell you’re talking about! How is hoarding all the income from another person’s hard work an acceptable thing to do EXCEPT when it’s done to MJ? You think it’s an awful sin when people sued MJ and lived off his money but it’s ok when MJ outbids the composer for the songs he wrote and immediately uses those songs to make TV commercials; when John and Paul were adamantly AGAINST using their songs for that purpose!!

stonegrooved 3 days ago

I am NOT going to do the disgusting things MJ did no matter how much you fans have rationalized in your minds that if Mr. Perfect did it, it MUST be OK!!
I’m not going to slice my face off because I never got over my big nose! I’m NOT going to pay other women to have my children because I don’t want some pesky lifetime partner around telling me what to do and I’m NOT going to use false aliases to obtain illegal prescriptions cuz I think laws for ordinary people don’t apply to me anymore!!

stonegrooved 3 days ago

Did he leave himself open to unscrupulous people who would do anything for a buck? yes he did. However, having a deep seated regard for humanity and not thinking ill of someone or thinking they will attempt to extort money out of you because you worth millions is not a crime. Should he have been more careful, of course. He said in his video that he would never put himself or his children in such a vulnerable position again. 

MJJJusticeProject 3 days ago

@MJJJusticeProject – Look, I’m done trying to reason with you. The fact that you have chosen to continue to argue with me after I said that everyone should agree to disagree in the name of peace shows your true colors. You don’t give a damn about the truth!

stonegrooved 3 days ago
@MJJJusticeProject – In conclusion, let me say that if I caught MJ molesting my child, I WOULD HAVE DONE THE EXACT SAME THING EVAN CHANDLER DID and I don’t care if you like it or not!!

stonegrooved 3 days ago

Are we talking “standards” now? Is it a Standard that a parent accepts money from a person who they deemed molested their child? NO. Most parents would be like Ellie Nesler, who walked into to court and shot the man who molested her child. A person does NOT negotiate a screenplay deal with a person they believe to have molested their child .It just isn’t done. MJ did not molest children, he opened his house and gave them his whole property to enjoy. 

MJJJusticeProject 3 days ago

Wrong, he was very much involved in aid to the surviving family member of the 9/11 disaster. In 2003 he attended and donated to the Light and Laughter to Benefit Lupus LA and Lupus Research. Up until he died he supported 40 charities, and now even AFTER his will designates support Ronald McDonald House Charities, Make-A-Wish Foundation, Boys’ and Girls’ Clubs of America, Children’s Defense Fund, Elizabeth Taylor’s AIDS Foundation and many more. Please do some research..that’s all we ask.

MJJJusticeProject 3 days ago
@MJJJusticeProject – “In America it’s that there are no norms, values, beliefs, habits, attitudes, or standards that fit ALL people.”
Hmmmm, and here I thought one of those standards are that unrelated adults aren’t supposed go to bed with other people’s children was something we ALL agreed on!!
When did that become acceptable?
So you’re saying it would be OK if I put on a clown outfit and lured your children back to my bedroom? Is THAT one of those standards that’s iffy in your book?

stonegrooved 3 days ago
@MJJJusticeProject – If you wanna give MJ perks for the money he donated to charities, go ahead. But don’t even dream that the rest of us are going to drop our standards and climb down into your sweaty pit of debachery with you!!
We prefer the way it smells up here, thank you!!

stonegrooved 3 days ago
@MJJJusticeProject – I call that having decent morals and being a good citizen. If you want to call it “mean spirited,” I couldn’t care less!!!

stonegrooved 3 days ago
The “TRUTH” for you may not be the truth for me. I might believe that women should keep in their place and keep their mouths shut but that doesn’t make it the world’s obligation to see things the way I do!!

stonegrooved 3 days ago

Progressive? IF being mean-spirited, berating others, cursing and calling names to people simply because they have differing opinions from you is progressive then NO we are not progressive. People only have to scroll back to see which one of us is narrow minded as the Proof is in the posts. 

MJJJusticeProject 3 days ago
@MJJJusticeProject – You mean how I lost my temper at someone that thinks a popstar’s unacceptable behavior should be tolerated because he wrote songs about L.O.V.E.?
Yeah, that really proves….uhhhh….hmmm….wel­l…
SOMETHING, right? Right?

stonegrooved 3 days ago
Comment removed 

stonegrooved 3 days ago

MJ was a good man in the beginning. “We Are The World” was a noble, admirable endeavor. Unfortunately, the richer and more famous he became, the more his sense of humanity got clouded. His reputation as a humantarian rests on things he did a long time ago. MJ was a mere shadow of his former glory when he died. If he was such a normal, well balanced person at the end, why did he turn his back on his family and prefer the company of children?
That’s NOT normal!

stonegrooved 3 days ago

The only thing Michael Jackson supporters and activist desire is TRUTH.. A clear research of facts not opinions. WE don’t base our view on him because he was a great entertainer, of course he was, but we base our view on him as the example of how to be kind, giving, and compassionate. Many people stayed with him, KNEW him and loved him for the gentle person that he was. Time has come for his true legacy to be told. 

MJJJusticeProject 3 days ago

@MJJJusticeProject – “The only thing Michael Jackson supporters and activist desire is TRUTH.”
Total bullshit.!You just want everyone to think the way that you do. That’s not thinking progressively, that’s narrowmindedness!

stonegrooved 3 days ago

In America it’s that there are no norms, values, beliefs, habits, attitudes, or standards that fit ALL people. They will vary greatly from one end of the country to the next and from one culture to the next. In the South, extended families may include 3 generations depending on space all living together under one roof. Siblings and parents share sleeping accommodations sometimes and this is the way the Jacksons were brought up. We don’t all fit one mold.

MJJJusticeProject 3 days ago

Michael Jackson has an IQ of 164, he was nobody’s fool. He was an artist, an activist who cared about the world and in helping impoverished and underrepresented people. He refused to let society mark him as a child molester and therefore he continued to help the sick and the inner city children by welcoming them to Neverland. This doesn’t make us gullible; its makes us realists.

MJJJusticeProject 3 days ago
@MJJJusticeProject – So if I lured your baby brother or sister into my bed, (how about your son or daughter?) you’d be OK with that or is that a privledge reserved for famous popstars only?
Like I’ve said already, just because MJ gets you all sticky doesn’t mean the world needs to think the way you do. Anyone with an ounce of common sense will acknowledge that this is a matter of individual values and allow the world to make up their own minds about this.

stonegrooved 3 days ago

MJ fans expect (demand?) the entire world to cry our collective hearts out for a delusional popstar that was so out of touch with reality, he figured he could change centuries of social standards by shoving our taboos down our throats!! Fortunately, the voice of reason will eventually rise above the din of gullible fanatics!

stonegrooved 3 days ago

It’s been said that the more money a person has, the bigger the target he is. If this is true, how can you feel sorry for MJ? He should have realized that and not put himself in such a precarious position in the first place, let alone twice! The whole world is supposed to feel sorry for him now because he allowed bad people to enter his house?!? That fool laid out the welcome mat for criminals so he could sleep with their underaged boys! MJ CAUSED HIS OWN PROBLEMS!!

stonegrooved 3 days ago

In life he was one of the greatest philanthropist the world has ever known and even in death 20% of all the earnings from his Estate goes to charity. His charitable contributions are documented in Guiness Book and his truth and true legacy of love, universal brotherhood and peace among nations will be what is recorded. His truth has been a long time comin’ but it’s a comin. Write it down- its gonna happen.

MJJJusticeProject 3 days ago

You can maintain your beliefs and you can state them here for all to read until the cows come home. We shall do the same. Truth will out and history will be replete with all the good that MJ spread across the globe. The few that continue to bad mouth him have simply built their careers on his coat tails and must continue to beat that negative drum, otherwise they will prove themselves charlatans of the highest caliber. 

MJJJusticeProject 3 days ago

Imagine you saw me go into a bar, when I came out I stumbled over the curb. You might think I was drunk, unless ALL the witnesses who were in the bar, testified that I was actually inside preaching the benefits of NOT drinking to all the patrons. Believe half of what you see and NONE of what you hear. MJ was treated worse than Joe normal, by the DA BECAUSE he was famous. He got biased press coverage for the same reason. 

MJJJusticeProject 3 days ago

Please allow me sum this up for those of you that still have your heads in the clouds and none of this makes sense to, you will NEVER convince the world that what MJ did was acceptable until you can make what he did a standard for the everyone to live by. Considering that most of us would be doing jail time if we did the same and that you fans think that MJ was too special to redeem himself on our level, that ain’t likely to happen anytime soon.

stonegrooved 3 days ago

Comment removed 

stonegrooved 3 days ago

Imagine the money that you had to pay rent with got stolen. Several people tell you they saw me steal it but when you ask them to help you get your money back, they deny what they said because I got to them first and paid them to change their story. Would you decide not to press charges on me because your witnesses backed out? Would you conclude I was innocent because you didn’t see me do it? Bingo! This is how MJ got off too, except what he did was far worse.

stonegrooved 3 days ago
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stonegrooved 3 days ago
If Joe Average (NOT MJ) was charged with molesting a child you care about but he paid the parents to drop the charges, would you say, “It’s understandable if Joe doesn’t want to wait around for a final ruling. I’m sure he has better things to do. The important thing is to let him get back to his lifestyle?” OF COURSE NOT! You’d expect him to sit through the entire process! You would make sure that every detail of the case was examined and re-examined. Why are the rules different for MJ?

stonegrooved 3 days ago
Comment removed 

stonegrooved 3 days ago

In 93, Michael’s lawyer’s filed to have the criminal case be brought first… but Sneddon wanted to use the civil trial as a strategy…this created a ‘double jeapordy” situation in the law. Research a little and you will find nothing added up in Chandler extortion except the fact that Chandler was bent on destroying not only MJ, but his son and ex-wife too. He said in the transcript “They will be ruined” Ultimately, he ruined his whole family for money.

MJJJusticeProject 4 days ago

MJ to go through the same motions to ultimately be found innocent in 93..does not make him guilty. His handlers warned it could be just like the McMartin case. The man was innocent, the insurance carrier said handled it as a negligence case with no admittance of any wrongdoing. The settlement did NOT preclude criminal investigators from finding more ‘victims’ or evidence….there just were none to be found. 

MJJJusticeProject 4 days ago
@MJJJusticeProject – While I’m confident you speak MJ fan’s language, I assure you, it just isn’t going to go down in the history books that way. Time is on my side. You can’t have double standards for rich popstars and dare to dream that the rest of the world will get on board with you. I apologize for getting angry with you yesterday but I happen to think that there is no crime worse than child molestation.
Carry on if you like but I will no longer debate with you directly. It’s pointless.

stonegrooved 3 days ago

Focusing on the fact that MJ paid extortion money doesn’t prove his guilt. Please read about the McMartin preschool case.. dragged on for seven years .. children were psychologically coherced to give testimony regarding molestation, animal sacrifice and more.. what happened in the end? It was all proven false testimony and the McMartins were ruined emotionally and financially. Just because YOU needed

MJJJusticeProject 4 days ago
there was NO civil trial, in 93 there was only a Court radified settllement. Chandler’s attorney made it clear that the Court cannot sanction “hush money” that’s ILLEGAL. The criminal investigation continued but the was nothing to support the allegations and they had to let it go. Just because the man opened his heart and his three room bedroom suite to families with children doesn’t mean he did anything wrong. 

MJJJusticeProject 4 days ago
Evan Chandler wanted money to back his screenwriting career- that’s what he wanted out of his friendship with MJ- He also asked MJ to come live in his home – if he thought the man was molesting his son -WHY? MJ refused to support Evan’s screenwriting dreams and was showering June and Jordan & Lily with too much attention so Evan got jealous. In his phone conversation he says it clearly..

MJJJusticeProject 4 days ago
I have answered you, but you keep coming back at me with non-sense. I’m outta here. I’ll leave you to argue with yourself!

TreeofTruth7 4 days ago
@TreeofTruth7 – You answered me? I must have missed it. What was your ironclad proof again?

stonegrooved 4 days ago
@TreeofTruth7 – You’re a coward.

stonegrooved 4 days ago
@stonegrooved You’re nuts.

TreeofTruth7 4 days ago
@stonegrooved a coward ???? what pills to you take ?

pers311 4 days ago
@pers311 – If it’ll make you happy, go ahead and try to educate the world why less infatuated people should ignore the way MJ didn’t care if the public approved or not, he wuz gonna keep taking other people’s children to be with him if he feels like it cuz he gives you a tingle in yer shorts and makes you feel like dancing.
Good luck!!

stonegrooved 3 days ago
@stonegrooved op hold on you fat boy ! are you a drunk maniac ? 

pers311 3 days ago

TreeofTruth7 4 days ago
@TreeofTruth7 – I’ve asked very direct questions. So far, the only attempt at an answer you’ve offered is, “cuz MJ was innocent!”

stonegrooved 4 days ago
Stop copying my argument. That never works, stoned.

TreeofTruth7 4 days ago
MJ wasn’t “proven innocent” at his civil trial. He paid his accuser millions of dollars in hush money to persuade him to drop the charges against him. When Evan Chandler skipped out the courtroom door with his pockets full of MJ’s loot, the case fell apart. The prosecution couldn’t meet its burden of proof because EC was too busy spending MJ’s money!! This enabled the jury to acquit him and the judge to dismiss his case. That’s a far cry from being pronounced “innocent!”

stonegrooved 4 days ago
@stonegrooved maybe this happened in “Stoned-World”….but not in reality. You need to wake-up and check your facts. THERE WAS NO EVIDENCE AGAINST MJ! THERE WAS NO CASE TO ANSWER.

TreeofTruth7 4 days ago
@TreeofTruth7 – Another cop out. If you want me to stop asking these questions, just answer them conclusively.
Hint: Cuz Michael is yer hero isn’t an answer.

stonegrooved 4 days ago
Oh yeah, Charles Thompson! That freelance writer that like Aphrodite Jones, some true crime reporter/author that NOBODY considered an expert until you minnows read her book and liked what she had to say!!!
These stooges have no more credentials to establish the truth THAN I DO!!

stonegrooved 4 days ago
It would also be interesting if you experts would explain why ANYONE would dish out between 15 and 50 million dollars when if they had simply waited for Mr. Innocent to face his accuser in court and disprove his allegations, THEY WOULDN’T HAVE TO PAY A CENT AND WE WOULDN’T HAVE ANYTHING TO ARGUE ABOUT TOO!!!

stonegrooved 4 days ago
@stonegrooved just because you want something to be a certain way, does not make it so, especially when all the evidence points to Michael’s innocence. 

TreeofTruth7 4 days ago
@TreeofTruth7 – OK, we can agree that EC was a greedy asshole but why would MJ (or some wacky insurance co.) cave into his extortionist’s demands? Since when do innocent men feel the need to pay hush money? MJ certainly had the right to settle out of court if he could but how in the hell does that make him innocent??

stonegrooved 4 days ago
@TreeofTruth7 – Kindly fill me in on how not doing what every one of us that couldn’t afford to buy an acquittal would be forced to do and face our accuser in a court of law and follow through with the judicial system to clear our name automatically makes MJ innocent?

stonegrooved 4 days ago
@stonegrooved that’s the advice he was given by his lawyer…it doesn’t mean he was guilty of anything. Innocent till proven guilty, remember? It’s not the other way around. AND Michael WAS PROVEN INNOCENT.

TreeofTruth7 4 days ago
@TreeofTruth7 – If it was only “advice,” MJ had the option to heed it or not, right? I’ve also heard advisors that told MJ that paying EC was a huge mistake.
You know what MJ’s response was? “I don’t care!! I just want it to be over!!”

stonegrooved 4 days ago
@TreeofTruth7 – While you’re at it, maybe you can explain why when it cost more money than a hundred men can earn in a lifetime to get him off the hook, MJ didn’t learn his lesson and continued to engage in inappropriate behavior with minors whether the public liked it or not.
You see, I’m having trouble understanding why someone with only good intentions for children would take certain boys into HIS bedroom instead of serving ALL those kids milk and cookies in their own beds!!!

stonegrooved 4 days ago
@stonegrooved sorry, I didn’t realise YOU were there as well! You could have been a star witness, stoned! lol

TreeofTruth7 4 days ago
@TreeofTruth7 – That’s a cop out and you know it. Just enlighten me with some of your wisdom, please.
It should be a piece of cake for an expert like you!

stonegrooved 4 days ago
@stonegrooved explain how that’s a cop-out…you can’t because you have NOTHING of any substance to say! END OF STORY.

TreeofTruth7 4 days ago
@TreeofTruth7 – What are you doing, weaseling out? You’ve yet to give me anything substantial.

stonegrooved 4 days ago
@TreeofTruth7 – I mean, you’re the keeper of all the indisputable evidence that MJ was 101% innocent, right?
Straighten this out for me please.
Me and millions of skeptical people in this world that don’t gaze at Mr. Fabulous with adoring eyes wanna know!!

stonegrooved 4 days ago
@stonegrooved there’s seems to be only you here arguing. lol

TreeofTruth7 4 days ago
@TreeofTruth7 – C’mon Mr. Answerman! I thought you had all the answers!!

stonegrooved 4 days ago
We shall leave you be for now.. since you seem to have lost all sense of reality and are emotionally distraught. To anyone else who wishes to research and investigate please read FBI files, 2005 trial transcripts..both direct and cross… 93 phone transcripts – and read a non-MJ fan site.. The Voices of Education.. Google The Most Shameful Episode in Journalistic History Charles Thomson

MJJJusticeProject 4 days ago
I’m still waiting for you and TreeofLies to explain how taking other people’s children to bed with him was going to heal the world, how after MJ admitted to instructing his lawyers to take whatever measures were nesessary to ensure he could put that case behind him, some mysterious insurance co. charged in, pushed MJ and his lawyers aside and shoved millions of dollars into EC’s hands against their client’s will and how those kids getting drunk on MJ’s booze is everyone else’s fault!!

stonegrooved 4 days ago
@stonegrooved yeah I’m sure EC really resented receiving all that money for his act of extortion.

TreeofTruth7 4 days ago
@MJJJusticeProject – Emotionally distraught? Yeah, PEDOPHILES HAVE THAT EFFECT ON PEOPLE!!! Especially when a kajillion of pee soaked fans think ANYTHING he did is A-OK so long as he makes them wanna dance!!!

stonegrooved 4 days ago
I am disgusted that YouTube allows these misleading and egregious videos to be posted by willfully ignorant people. Michael Jackson was a very humble and charitable human being who was unfairly vilified by a visciously biased media. He never did and still does not deserve this treatement! HIS CHILDREN LOVED HIM AS A NORMAL FATHER…THEY HAD NORMAL FATHER/CHILD RELATIONSHIP…THAT SHOULD BE ALL THE PROOF YOU NEED!!! CHILDREN TELL IT LIKE IT IS.

TreeofTruth7 4 days ago
@TreeofTruth7 – Did you know that MJ’s kids LOVED DR. MURRAY TOO???
Apparently, MJ adored his enabling doctor and told his children that he’s the greatest doctor in the world!!!! Dr. Murray is preparing to make MJ’s children testify in court ON HIS BEHALF!!!
What were you saying about how children only tell the truth now?

stonegrooved 4 days ago
@stonegrooved I hate to remind you but children are trusting too and would not have the experience to decide whether Murray was a nice person or not as the case may be. MJ also had a very trusting, child-like side to him and was lacking in these skills …it is why he was always being used by people who realised this and used it against him in any way they could think of to extract money.

TreeofTruth7 4 days ago
This same man who you “believe” badly of has paid for the medical procedures for thousands of children whose parents could not afford their expense. He fed half the population of the world with his “Heal the World” and gave profits from all of his concerts to charities. This is not an evil man and while you may wish to curse us because we speak truth we shall not return the insult, as it denotes a lack of character and grace. 

MJJJusticeProject 4 days ago
Comment removed 

stonegrooved 4 days ago

It is not common for a man to have fully equipped hospital rooms in his home either to take care of terminally ill children who visited, nor for the common man to retrofit the rides so that these same children could enjoy one day in their limited lives. Thousands of underprivileged children visited Neverland – Michael Jackson would never hurt a child. Many who knew him personally can attest to his goodness.

MJJJusticeProject 4 days ago
@MJJJusticeProject – Yeah, I’m sure those hundreds of kids that rode his merry-go-round and ate themselves sick on Candy Mountain thought “The King” was the greatest guy in the world!!
You are asinine and not worth my time!! Hopefully you’ll grow up someday and pull your pinhead out of MJ’s gray, rotting ass!!

stonegrooved 4 days ago
Michael’s skin diseases of lupus and vitilgo have been well documented and your insistence on making the ‘white woman” remark only displays a deep seated hate for the man not based on reality or fact. We appreciate you have you own views and as we said before we give information so that other’s might try to research and investigate. Many have believed what has been put out by the press and many have come to understand that they were bamboozled. 

MJJJusticeProject 4 days ago
@MJJJusticeProject – And seeing that this seems to breeze on by you as well, I think hating pedophiles is a natural reaction!!
When someone hurts our children, THEY HURT ALL OF US!!!

stonegrooved 4 days ago
@MJJJusticeProject – If you desperately wanna believe that a 45 year old man that promised to put other people’s children up in a nice safe bed in his supervised guestroom for the night but suddenly started taking certain boys into HIS bedroom instead (UNSUPERVISED!!) and while they were there, somehow managed to get shitfaced drunk on the homeowner’s booze and all of this is just sweet, innocent fun, FUCK YOU!!

stonegrooved 4 days ago
“Cost” to you? Interesting. Seems like you have a personal investment in having this as you own private anti-MJ podium and no one is supposed to challenge anything you say. Unfortunately, the freedom of speech that allows you to spout off unfounded opinions also give us the ability to challenge them with facts. The media has bashed this innocent man for 20 yrs and the time has come to speak truth, nothing to get hysterical about. 

MJJJusticeProject 4 days ago
@MJJJusticeProject – What is unfounded?? That the world needs to erase what we’ve been taught for centuries and suddenly belive that it’s OK to for unrelated adults to take other people’s children to bed with them if that person is rich and famous enough???
Apparently common sense has no place in your world but in case this hasn’t crossed your mind yet, you will NEVER convince the entire world that what MJ did is an acceptable thing to do!!!

stonegrooved 4 days ago
One female juror stated that the trial made him “normal” in her eyes. HUH? Normal men might go to the movies or play sports with boys, they wouldn’t feel compelled to sleep in the same bed with them! Normal black men don’t try to make themselves look like a Caucasian woman or arrange to have multi-million dollar checks made out to their accusers. That juror didn’t make this decision based on the law or evidence.
She voted with the mind set of a typical star-struck American!
(Like MJJJP!)

stonegrooved 4 days ago
You fans have MJ’s criminal trial in the bag! Whether I think the fix was in on that one or not is irrelevant. He WON a not guilty verdict and I just have to accept it. However, his civil case was a different story. He caved in to his accuser’s demands to get his case dismissed! People that want the world to know how innocent they are don’t do things like that! (Unless he’s considered a saint in the first place, then he could have shot EC in the head and still be innocent to you fans!)

stonegrooved 4 days ago
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stonegrooved 4 days ago
Two grand juries, 400 witnesses, tons of books from Michael’s library, months and months of searching and sometimes recruiting ‘victims” and Sneddon came up empty handed. The 2005 transcript of the cross examination shows all of the so-called witnesses and their stories were not credible. It’s one thing to spout off but quite another when you swear to tell the truth for fear of perjury. 

MJJJusticeProject 4 days ago
@MJJJusticeProject – Gee whiz, that sounds a lot like resentment to me. It doesn’t sound like you’re after “the truth” no matter what the cost, to me!! That sounds like you’re fixated on your version of what you perceive as the truth and anyone else that thinks differently is your enemy! You sound like a typical MJ fan!! It sounds as if you’ve already taken sides! Why don’t you quit masquerading as an enlightened individual and just come clean!! You’re mobbing up against non-fans, aren’t you??

stonegrooved 4 days ago

@MJJJusticeProject – Allow me to give you a new “Mission Statement,” rookie! The undeniable fact is that there are strong arguments on both sides of this debate and there will never, (please allow me to emphasize this point…) N-E-V-E-R be a universal opinion on this!!!
Anyone with an ounce of common sense will allow others to form their own opinion on this issue and AGREE TO DISAGREE!!!!!!!!!!!!

stonegrooved 4 days ago

Geez, I guess the hard-nosed and bulldog DA Sneddon who would stop at nothing to convict MJ should have had YOU on their team perhaps then they could have succeeded in proving their case, since it only matters what YOU believe and not evidence. Dimond does most of her salagious reported on what she believed too..but sadly it doesnt matter what you believe – facts are there was NO evidence to convict.

MJJJusticeProject 4 days ago

“I’ve examined the drawing made by JC and the photographs taken of Defendant’s genitalia. The photographs reveal a mark on the right side of Defendant’s penis at the same location as the blemish identified by JC’s drawing. I believe the discolorations in his drawing WAS NOT something he could or would have guessed about or seen accidentally. I believe the photographs substantially corroborate JC’s graphic representation of the Defendant’s penis.”

stonegrooved 4 days ago

-w w w dotsbscpublicaccessdotorg/docs­/ctdocs/052505pltmotchandler.p­df
How about this one? It’s specifically noted in the official court documents that JC’s drawing of MJ’s penis is “substantially corroborated” by the photographs. However, the alibi provided the Mighty MJ Machine claims it’s all a lie because Jordan assumed MJ’s erect penis was circumcised and the coroner that examined his limp noodle said it wasn’t. You fans latched onto this tiny discrepancy and rode it into the mud!!

stonegrooved 4 days ago

One of the strongest, most-repeated findings in the psychology of belief is that once people have been told X, especially if X is shocking, if they are later told, “No, we were wrong about X,” most people still believe X. If hate is your motivation you won’t ever get past the errors in your assumptions. MJJJusticeproject are not MJ fans we are supporters of truth and challengers of the accepted bullying of Michael Jackson by the media.

MJJJusticeProject 4 days ago

Comment removed 

stonegrooved 4 days ago

@MJJJusticeProject -You’re just another fanatic! Two members of that jury in MJ’s criminal trial were convinced MJ WAS GUILTY but allowed themselves to be bullied into going along with the rest of that starstruck jury!! They said the courtroom was electric with hatred toward anyone that didn’t think MJ was a saint!
(Just like the atmosphere you’re creating here!!)
They claim that jury had such a preconceived notion of MJ’s innocence; they didn’t even glance at the evidence that was there!!

stonegrooved 4 days ago

It’s no wonder you fans hate Martin Bashir! He didn’t consider “don’t worry about it, I’m Michael Jackson, not Jack the Ripper!” an acceptable answer and kept pressing until Mr. Fabulous revealed that he figures taking unprivledged children into his bed is fine if he thinks he can do a better job than THEIR OWN PARENTS!!
What an idiot!!
Maybe that gives you Tinkerbells a tingle in your shorts but that’s NEVER going to be accepted by mature adults!!

stonegrooved 5 days ago

If your read the Court transcript you will find that it was exactly the security cameras and the alarms in the Neverland house that proved that the Arvizos were lying and that MJ was totally innocent. Please read “American Should Demand Honesty in Journalism” – Forbes Everett Landis 

MJJJusticeProject 5 days ago

@MJJJusticeProject – Were those the same alarm systems at Neverland that enabled those naughty boys to slip past MJ’s security guards, break into his wine cellar and get shitfaced drunk? It’s fascinating how the same things you fans believe “prove” MJ’s innocence are so easily dismissed when it can be used to prove his guilt. I mean, it was MJ’s party. HE invited those kids to spend the night. HE was the homeowner but the way those minors got into HIS booze was everyone else’s fault, right???

stonegrooved 4 days ago

Martin Bashir’s documentaries have been roundly criticized .. and he was censored and sanctioned in the UK..for his “editing” and biased voice overs… regarding many of his topics including Lady Diana. Using his work is scrapping the bottom of the barrel.. He and Dimond are of the same ilk. UK didn’t want him so he swam across the pond and ABC hired but quickly found out his merit or lack thereof. MSNBC is now in the noose. 

MJJJusticeProject 5 days ago

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stonegrooved 5 days ago
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stonegrooved 5 days ago

Specifically, the word of a renowned liar!
A person that told Martin Bashir that he only had 2 minor cosmetic surgeries done on his face!!!
The same person that when MB said that Blanket told him that he doesn’t have a mother and then asked Mr. Sweet and Innocent who gave him that impression causually answered, “I dunno!”

stonegrooved 5 days ago

A photo album with pictures showing MJ making up his bed on the floor sure would have come in handy at his criminal trial.
No it wouldn’t!!
That starstruck jury just took his word for it!!!!!

stonegrooved 5 days ago

Google The American Public Must Demand Honest Journalism by Forbes Everett Landis .. In a very succinct article he clarifies and articulates all the facts and fabrications of the American press machine and their culpability. It doesn’t surprise us that people like stonegrooved exist, as we have met many. The mass media is expert at manipulation of minds who don’t wish to research and investigate on their own- Facts are facts and truth will prevail 

MJJJusticeProject 5 days ago

People who believe their son has been molested don’t hug the molester in a meeting where they’ve come to negotiate a “deal”. Parents of molested children don’t make Monetary deals with the person who did the deed, unless of course he didn’t. The civil settlement did NOT stop the criminal investigation but they found nothing. In 2005 any accuser had the chance to stand up and support Janet Arivizo’s allegations. NONE could be found..400 witnesses tons of evidence and NADA! ZIP! Zilch! 

MJJJusticeProject 5 days ago

What killed MJ wasn’t Bashir, the cops, the tabloids, the media, the courts or non-fans. What killed MJ were people who believed that worshipping him as a God couldn’t help but be good for him. People who believed that he was pure and innocent and couldn’t possibly do anything wrong. People that went hysterical when he was charged with child molestation, mobbed up and threatened to commit mass suicide if they didn’t allow him to go back to his destructive lifestyle.
Sound familiar, kids?

stonegrooved 5 days ago

Additionally, resorting to name calling merely denotes a frustration or lack of evidence. As mentioned before we don’t wish to convince you, we are simply asking you to investigate the WHOLE story. Google and read the direct and cross of the 2005 witnesses, READ the 1993 phone transcript, listen to the words Evan uses, READ about the meetings the Chandler had with MJ trying to negotiate a business deal one day prior to the allegations. TRUTH will be told.

MJJJusticeProject 6 days ago

@MJJJusticeProject – If Jacko was a poor innocent man, nothing you’ve said explains why he panicked and paid a king’s ransom to make the pictures Jordie drew of his dick go away! People that want the world to see how innocent they are don’t do things like that!!
Of course, unless you’re living in a fantasy world. Rational people expect the accused to follow court procedure and clear their name before they’re willing to call someone “innocent!”

stonegrooved 5 days ago

It is not uncharacteristic to settle with accusers -Google Bill O’Reilly for one. However, it IS uncharacteristic for a parent to negotiate a screenplay deal with a person he deemed a molester of his child. Any other parent would have demanded a criminal trial but not Evan because he was out only for the money..from the get was always the money. This was never about his son being hurt was his own ego. 

MJJJusticeProject 6 days ago

MJ was a not a saint, he was an innocent man who got caught up with unscrupulous people who put money over the sanctity of family and a man’s reputation. Evan Chandler forced his son to lie about a good man and Jordan retaliated by removing himself from the family with emancipation. Maybe the guilt of destroying his own family unit for money was too much for Evan to bear. Revenge for being slighted turned out to bite him in the ass in ways he never dreamed possible. 

MJJJusticeProject 6 days ago

None of these headcases give a damn about a child that was dying of cancer that might still be in the world today!!
It’s all about their lust for a dead popstar!!
The more I get to know MJ fans, the more I love my DOG!!

stonegrooved 6 days ago

There you go kids! According to MJJJP, you can find out anything you need to know about Gavin if you Google the name GAVIN JACKSON!! And it’s all 101% true!!
Everyone that ever accused Saint Michael is a big fat liar EXCEPT the guy that told MB that he only had 2 minor cosmetic surgeries done!!
Anyone that isn’t willing to kiss the ground Mr. Wonderful walked on is a scumbag pedophile!!
How can you reason with these cockroaches?

stonegrooved 6 days ago

Jordan sued both his parents for emancipation in 96. Any child that is asked to lie for their parents in such a heinous way and too hurt someone who the child deemed a friend is going to retaliate against those parents. June Chandler testified in 05 that she hadn’t spoken to Jordan in 10yrs and his relationship with his father was volatile as a protective order was requested by Jordan against Evan for violence. 

MJJJusticeProject 6 days ago

@MJJJusticeProject – You neglected to mention how Evan Chandler committed suicide because he was racked with guilt over taking millions of dollars from MJ!
Nevermind the fact that it’s just plain uncharacteristic for an innocent man to pay hush money or that EC didn’t leave a suicide note!!
Whatever it takes to make a man as flawed as MJ look like a saint, right??

stonegrooved 6 days ago

Evan Chandler had mental issues long before he met Michael Jackson. If you read the phone transcript you will see that he was pissed that Michael had stopped being his friend. He kept saying he didn’t want to hurt anyone but they had cut him out and he was gonna get revenge. “They” included his son and ex wife. The extortion was done out of revenge for not getting what HE wanted out of the relationship with MJ.. what did he want? MONEY – to write more screenplays-FACT

MJJJusticeProject 6 days ago

Actually, Gavin has taken the last name Jackson is attending school and is living quite healthy with his family. Check Dimond’s blog there’s full update on him. We don’t blame the boy as he was used as a pawn, just as Jordan, each by their respective parents. The whole family was found lacking in credibility during their cross examination just like the other State witnesses, as they couldn’t keep their stories straight. 

MJJJusticeProject 6 days ago

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stonegrooved 6 days ago

If you Google Gavin Arvizo to try to find out how he’s doing today (I mean, we were led to believe that Mr. Fabulous cured his cancer with his L.O.V.E.) and even the links that act like they’re going to give you an update on Gavin don’t. They’re all about MJ and the horrible injustice that has been inflicted on the poor popstar. After they say next to nothing about Gavin and concentrate on the tragic MJ, they ask for responses!

stonegrooved 6 days ago

The mother of this boy whilst claiming she and her family had been ‘kidnapped” went out and had a pedicure, manicure and a bikini wax and then immediately returned to being a ‘hostage’. READ the transcript.. We couldn’t make up stuff this good! Like the Sun, truth shall not long be hidden. Google Vindicate MJ… and The Voices of Education – Case Study;Caricature MichaelJackson 

MJJJusticeProject 1 week ago

@MJJJusticeProject – “Gavin,” that is.
Maybe you should just admit that you couldn’t care less about how Gavin is doing today.

stonegrooved 6 days ago

@MJJJusticeProject – Even if Gavin is a physical wreck, he’s still doing better than Michael Jackson!!

stonegrooved 6 days ago
Comment removed 

stonegrooved 6 days ago

That sad little cancer survivor is a survivor because Michael paid for all his treatment as well as thousands of other children across the world and opened his heart and home to his family. What did they do in turn? READ the trial transcripts . We don’t ask you to believe us..READ and research yourself. Clearly, don’t take anything anyone has to say at face value. Listen, Observe, Verify, Evaluate. Time is on the side of Truth

MJJJusticeProject 1 week ago

@MJJJusticeProject – So you’re basing how Evan is doing today by his association with Jacko almost 2 decades ago?
Riveting. How can I argue with such “logic?”

stonegrooved 6 days ago
I wonder why people are so in tune to every single sniffle and whimper poor widdle Mikey makes never mention one single solitary concern for a boy with cancer that is so overcome with emotion he’s fighting back the tears as they’re talking about his health on “Living with Michael Jackson” (Part 8 of 10)?
Do you fans think that as long as you shit a brick for your favorite popstar, people won’t notice how shallow you are?

stonegrooved 1 week ago

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11 Responses to Stonegrooved on YT

  1. Maria McDonald says:

    I don’t understand. You are in fact mocking fans! You group them together and profess to know what they beleieve in. You belittle a man you never knew, and you place what blame you can on us. I think your life would be better spent on something that didn’t include waisting it here for the purpose of damaging others. You have no power here. Your “facts” are poorly disguised fits of hatred spun by conclusions of someone who wanted Michael to be guilty of something. MICHAEL JACKSON WAS INNOCENT & ACCUITTED OF ALL CHARGES!!!!!!!! Bother to read the trial transcripts? I doubt you know much beyond that you just don’t like him, or us for that matter. So good; while we are doing positve, helpful, loving and wonderful things- you are picking a fight over what a departed man did or didn’t do! Really?? You want to tell us how we should handle our grief, you want to call us names, you want to dissrupt the peace, you want to hurt us all & you want to challenge people who lived & breathed this man’s every lyric and joy?? Like I said, YOU HAVE NO POWER HERE. There is no way you know more about him than we do- there is no way I (as a mom) would take any amout of money in exchange for the innocence of my children! Commen sence! Plus, since you like to believe everything you read- check Guiness… kind, generous, faithful, brilliant, wonderful, talented beyond measure, loving and unforgetable Michael- how does charity and love piss you off? Besides, doesn’t matter what you say- or how you duck and dodge: Michael Jackson is and always will be the KING OF POP, he always will be loved by myself and all those billions of fans, some of whom you’ve been making the aquaintance of. Perhaps if you stopped trying to fight and did something worth while you would feel the positivity make a change for you. I pray for you. God Bless all of you, and thank you God for Michael Jackson.


    • Maria it is more than clear that this stonegrooved person in particular is on Youtube merely to be a rabble rouser. As everyone can see, when facts are presented he dodges and ducks and give his opinion, much like Dimond. On the Youtube videos that show Michael with Ed Bradley stonegrooved and his side kick take turns spamming Pro-MJ comments because they are fearful that someone else might read them and get the RIGHT idea. We won’t stop posting our MJ facts on YouTube. YouTube claims these haters have a right to spew their opinions so therefore we have the right and the responsibility to supply MJ facts to counter their lies. We truly appreciate the support of the MJGlobal family and know that with your continued efforts Michael’s truth will be told and his true legacy revealed.


  2. JazzyAmore says:

    The way you stated facts over his persons fiction shows a great deal of intelligence and unadulterated knowledge of who Michael is. I like how you maintained truth on behalf of MJ without being rude !!! Good job….


  3. Pingback: Stonegrooved on YT (via mjjjusticeproject) « Angelbabe43's Blog

  4. Julie Noel says:

    God Bless you for having the patience to discuss matters with him….


  5. Liz says:

    Wow God bless for having the patience and time to even write this 🙂


    • Maria McDonald says:

      I don’t know if that comment is ment for me…but if it is- I say a humble thank you! You all are such wonderful people! God Bless you! LOVE


  6. Pingback: MJ Haters 101 | mjjjusticeproject

  7. Truth Prevail says:

    “Jermaine & Latoya Jackson, Jack Gordon, Bob Jones, Martin Bashir, Tom Sneddon, Evan & Jordan Chandler, Gavin & Janet Arvizo, Diane Diamond, Maureen Orth, Eleanor Cook, Ray Hultman, Larry Feldman, Kiki Fouriner, Gene Simmons, Freddie Mercury, Norma Staikos, Dwayne Swingler, Terry George, The FBI, Darwin Porter, Eddie Reynoza, Marc Schaffel, Blanca & Jason Francia, Sheik Abdulla, Raymone Bain, Myung Ho Lee, 2 social workers in the FBI files… All lying haters. 
MJ = Sweet and innocent”

    Why did the idiot add Freddie Mercury?


  8. “onestonegrooved.” <- he posted he changed his name to this Dec 2012.. Wow what a creative man he must be…LOL


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