MJJJP Is Cyber-stalked Again

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Cyber-stalking Is a Crime


Screen Shot 2013-10-31 at 7.52.47 PM****Please view comment section below for threats received after this initial post***

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Back in 2012, we were threatened that our personal information was going to be found and “exposed for the world to see”. Now, just about a year and 8 months later, a similar threat along these same lines has been received.  Since this stalker is attempting to use the names of our innocent family member(s) for emotional blackmail, we deleted the name and used (description of the names) instead. We have also removed the IP address.

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The first comment on our MJJJP WordPress which was sent to our email for approval. Received 7:44am PST Oct 31, 2013

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‘Not your friend’ commented on our post: TaajMalik-Master Manipulator                        IP: XX.XXX.XXX.XXX

“Two hours to close this blog, The whole blog/twitter/video accounts. i am sure Michael Jackson can do without you..

You were not there for (MJJJP family member name) family, what a hypocrite you are.

Tracked you here via this (fake MJJJP blog they created) I never did like you, always knew there was something very dark and sinister about you. Its time (multiple MJJJP family children’s names ) know your true colors and how you are using them and their future in this game of Russian Roulette.

Black Friday i will be posting links to all these blogs (fake MJJJP blog they posted) on the hundreds of sites the (multiple family surnames of MJJJP) are listed on as comments. And we will be giving all the relevant information to Justice project blogger, shes looking for you.

You should have stayed in Texas!! Stayed away from (A MJJJP family name deleted)!

Are the girls aware you submitted their names on the non profit to bully people on the internet?

You were always worlds apart” (Video threat via Vimeo)

Second comment on wordpress for approval via email at 8:06am PST Oct 31, 2013

‘Not your friend’ commented on: Taaj Malik-Master Manipulator

“Huh! So you are on facebook too? Be sure that is gone too. So much time you should use to help (name deleted), dont you think?”

Please note: Copies of these threats as proof of cyber-stalking have been shared with three local police authorities as well as FBI- FBI agents have the authority to seize computers and external hard drives for examination of email correspondences & IP information to determine identity of cyber-stalkers.


“Like domestic violence, stalking is a crime of power and control. Stalking is conservatively defined as “a course of conduct directed at a specific person that involves repeated (two or more occasions) visual or physical proximity, nonconsensual communication, or verbal, written, or implied threats, or a combination thereof, that would cause a reasonable person fear.” [1] Stalking behaviors also may include persistent patterns of leaving or sending the victim unwanted items or presents that may range from seemingly romantic to bizarre, following or laying in wait for the victim, damaging or threatening to damage the victim’s property, defaming the victim’s character, or harassing the victim via the Internet by posting personal information or spreading rumors about the victim. . .

A cyberstalker may further assume the identity of his or her victim by posting information (fictitious or not) and soliciting responses from the cybercommunity. Cyberstalkers may use information acquired online to further intimidate, harass, and threaten their victim via courier mail, phone calls, and physically appearing at a residence or work place.”

Source: http://www.nij.gov/nij/topics/crime/stalking/welcome.htm

Source: http://www.justice.gov/criminal/cybercrime/reporting.html

Legal Notices On Public Search Engines

Below are several screenshots from various public search engines that clearly describe the expected conduct of anyone using the material that they offer and the legal ramifications if used for the purposes of cyber-stalking or harassment.

Intellius Terms and Conditions of use


spokeo.terms of use


US.Search terms and conditions


whitepages terms of conditions


Peoplefinders Terms of use


Most of the public search engine sites have similar legal terms of use and conditions regarding searching information and its intended use.

http://www.beenverified.com/consumer-terms-of-service Beenverified.com

http://www.peopleverified.com/terms PeopleVerified.com

http://www.usa-people-search.com/Terms.aspx USA-peoplesearch

http://www.mylife.com/user-agreement/  Mylife.com

Just because it is public, it does not mean you can misuse it.

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5 Responses to MJJJP Is Cyber-stalked Again

  1. “Stalking behaviors also may include persistent patterns of leaving or sending the victim unwanted items or presents that may range from seemingly romantic to bizarre, following or laying in wait for the victim, damaging or threatening to damage the victim’s property, defaming the victim’s character, or harassing the victim via the Internet by posting personal information or spreading rumors about the victim. . .

    A cyberstalker may further assume the identity of his or her victim by posting information (fictitious or not) and soliciting responses from the cybercommunity. Cyberstalkers may use information acquired online to further intimidate, harass, and threaten their victim via courier mail, phone calls, and physically appearing at a residence or work place.”

    In responding to this part of the article, I believe their stalking & harassing crime is not limited to harassing only founders of MJJJP. The person is threatening that if we do not remove our blog post, the stalker and harasser will contact our family and friends and harass them. That means this person will investigate, find THEIR personal/contact information to commit the crime of stalking and harassing them- just to emotionally blackmail MJJJP. By extension of this criminal activity of our family and friends, the stalker and harasser is now going to commit more crime just because we won’t remove a blog post. It is a like a hostage situation where the terrorist says “I will hurt your family because you won’t do what I want you to do.” How sick is that? It is a terrorist tactic.

    We know that other bloggers have received similar threats that/ have gone as far as to threatening physical violence, and by comparing information, all of the collective messages have the same IP.

    Our article of incorporation is not an open invitation for cyber-stalking, harassment or anything of that nature, it is an article of business for business purposes only. Just because information is out there, it does not mean anyone can use it however they wish in this case to delve into our private lives and try to cause trouble. My friends and family know of my activities online and they fully support my endeavor but that is beside the point. Cyber-bullying laws include unwanted communication. Our cyber-stalkers do not have my permission to contact me, my family or friends. These statements are not an open invitation either for the cyber-stalkers to engage.

    I am simply stating that what is being done to us is clearly a cyber crime and if they continue and extend to family members and friends in effort to harass and emotionally blackmail us, each time they contact them, it is an additional crime. The fact the harassers have threatened physical violence to other bloggers is a representation of expression to criminal behavior of extreme serious nature, and it means they can threaten physical violence of ANY number of us and can have intentions to carry out those threats at any moment in time. Behaviorally speaking, once a person has a thought to do something, it is not that far from manifesting to actual physical behavior.

    – Lovelightmagic


  2. RE:Taaj Malik- We have one post on Taaj Malik – in it we highlighted her behavior and misrepresentation of facts in an effort to sway unknowing MJfans-

    We used her own words to show she how she mispeaks

    We have never given out any private information in our blog, or posted pictures of her except the ones from her own public accounts and the video of her on Dr. Drew show.

    We have never listed the names of her family or her children in our blog.

    We have never posted pictures of her family or her children in our blog.

    We have never posted her ex-husband name nor made up fictitious stories about their lives and posted it on a blog with intent to harm his or her reputation, ever though she has spoke of her relationship with him many times on her known twitter accounts.

    We have not used her moniker TeamMichael777 to create a fake blog about her.

    We have never tweeted pictures of her and stated false remarks regarding her personal life.

    We have never done any of these things but she has and continues to do so.

    We are not interested in engaging tit for tat on tweeter – We have decided to take legal route which means police reports and documentation of continued cyber-stalking. Three different california jurisdictions have been put on notice that impending information may be forthcoming. It is not our endeavor to focus too much on this matter publicly, as we are taking advice from attorneys and law enforcement on how to proceed.

    If you have been a victim and wish to send your complaints of similar criminality towards you. please first report it to your local police department and then send it to MJJJP via our email mjjjusticeproject@gmail.com. United we have strength.


  3. Latest threat via twitter and twitlonger received 11.2.2013 added to file for documentation of cyber-stalking and harassment.

    “All is fair in Love and War!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    So i gave (MJJJP Name) 24 hours to shut her blog down on me, and to disappear out of my life,

    She who has been cyber stalking me for the past three years (fake blog link) has chosen to play a victim and threaten me with the THREE LOCAL POLICE, THE FBI, Air force and state trooper and the whole band and wagon,,

    5.False victimization.

    Does this bully really take me for a fool?? This sociopath actually believes her BS!!!!

    This witch who has been lying on me, has encouraged hate towards me, promoting others blogs about me, calling me a hacker thinks its okay to tear me down,

    She wants to pretend tearing me down will NOT effect my family and friends, indeed many of my closest friend have been very hurt by her, my own health has deteriorated to the extent whereas i was hospitalized… Yet this deeply jealous envious old white trash didn’t leave me alone,,,,

    So now its time for me to begin to post comment ALL OVER the internet as to what this witch has put me through,,,

    You should have listened, i gave you a chance its more then what you gave me, its more then what you gave my family, my 11 year old daughter who has done nothing to YOU!!!

    To suggest you have never done anything to my baby is how a sociopath thinks//// Do all you bullies really believe when you are putting me through hell it dont effect my Princess!!!!!

    I am going to start plastering the truth about you all over the net, lets see what the general public thinks of your behavior????

    (Multiple family names), (City location)

    (Family name, (Family Name) (Address) (City location)

    (family Member Name) (threat link)

    (Personal Name and location)

    (City location)
    (City Location)
    (City Location)
    (City Location) (Family member name)
    (family member name)
    (Family Member)
    (Family Member)
    (Family Member)
    (Family Member)
    (Family member)
    (unrelated name TM Claim is family member)

    (Unrelated business TM claim to be MJJJP business)
    (Business establishment)

    To think this women lived minutes away from LA, yet did nothing to help the fans that were stranded here couple years back is shocking!!

    Nicole who had a new born baby at the time was on the phone for hours trying to help, when all Abbas did was spread hate on twitter..

    (business establishment)

    (address, City, location)

    (google link)
    (google link)

    (vemeo link)

    (Business link), two employees, (dollar income)
    (link to business directory)

    (business name) (annual income)

    (business directory)

    So which is it (two different number annual income)??? hmmmmmm

    Or is it ZERO as the buz is not trading ANYWHERE at all,

    We have not posted any “personal information” all this and much much more is freely available on the internet,,

    As to whether YOU posted anything on my fam, your buddies sure did,and you applauded them,, you posted from my EX husband, to his family to baby pictures of my Princess, i got all those taken down by reporting you but have copies of EVERYTHING, including reports you bitches filed to the immigration, child protections services, pulling up my tax records, to dragging my sister in laws name and private business into all this,,, Lets not forget all the false police reports,,,

    so this is specially for you (family name) as i promised you, you thought your were invincible, not so as Michael is watching over me exposing all of you one by one!!!!

    Gonna shift through this in the next few weeks as i am sure there are a bunch of other haters hiding out here too (twitlonger someone posted with MJJP corporation details along with many other innocent independent corporation entities listing people who have nothing to do with MJJJP)

    I know a lot of my followers are interested in the info i have posted here, enjoy, make copies for your records, i know Abbas has made serious allegations towards you too, good luck, sue this woman so she spends the rest of her life paying for what she has done,,

    And (family name), its a good job you have an attorney because YOU ARE GONNA NEED ONE!!! i will be filing a case against you as soon as i am healthy enough to, you have called me a scam, fraud, terrorist, and promoted people calling me a hacker, i hope you have enough in the bank to pay for what you been up to and for your lawyer,



  4. Here are some reasons why someone may be stalking you online. By acknowledging these reasons, you will be able to better understand that online stalking is just as real as physical stalking. Stalking is a serious crime, regardless if it is physical or virtual. These reasons can and do apply to both situations. In an online environment, it may be harder to justify or acknowledge, but as former victims of stalkers, we do not tolerate cyber stalking or physical stalking at all. By outlining these top ten reasons, we hope that you will know and understand that it is never your fault if someone decides to stalk you.

    Your stalker envies you
    Your stalker is obsessed and needs to fulfill his/her wishes or cravings
    Your stalker may think that he or she is invincible because no one can “see” what they are doing
    Your stalker is unemployed or not happy with his/her current job/career and needs a distraction
    Your stalker wants to intimidate you and make you feel inferior
    Your stalker is delusional
    Your stalker wants to instill fear in you to justify his/her status
    Your stalker wants to embarrass you
    Your stalker has his/her own problems that can’t be dealt with by him/herself
    Your stalker is curious

    Ultimately your stalker’s curiosity leds to frustration and he/she has to act upon their obsession by physically stalking you or threatening you. Cyber stalking is a serious crime that needs to be taken seriously before it becomes unstoppable.



  5. Pingback: Taaj Malik- Master Manipulator | mjjjusticeproject

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